Example sentences of "[noun] can also [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Drawing can also be a way to communicate .
2 Eating can also be an antidote to anxiety .
3 Flexibility can also be a disadvantage .
4 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
5 Increased confidence can also be the result of using time when unemployed to acquire new skills .
6 Waste can also be a product , for example , where it is sold as a by-product or if it is disposed in a supply situation , rather than a mere discharge , where it may be covered under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 .
7 Guilt can also be a form of self-punishment — anger turned against the self , in the absence of self-love and self-forgiveness .
8 Unfortunately this appealing behaviour can also be the goldfish 's downfall if your pond is visited by a heron with the fish greeting the herons arrival by rising to the surface to be fed .
9 Idleness can also be an enemy of rest and relaxation .
10 Motivation of staff can also be a problem , since the results of good book provision are less clearly visible than , say , the results of effective information work ( where an enquirer is likely to make satisfaction immediately known to the staff concerned ) .
11 An infection of the bladder could be causing Lucy to lose control at night , and other infections such as flu can also be a factor in the beginnings of night-time accidents .
12 The civil sphere can also be an arena for coercion , through the activities of vigilantes , private armies , and mobs , irrespective of individual criminal activity .
13 A visit to York can also be an education as it boasts two of the best schools in the county : Queen Ethelburga 's College and Terrington Hall school are both well worth of consideration for the best in your children 's education .
14 The three educational ideologies he considers , i.e. reconstructionism , classical humanism and progressivism , roughly correspond to the community-centred , subject-centred and child-centred curriculum respectively , although the community-centred curriculum can also be a form of instrumentalism .
15 Governments have to govern people , and not only do their policies have a direct impact on the population at large , and are likely to be shaped to some degree by an awareness of what that impact might be , but policies can also be a response to pressures or problems that emerge out of society .
16 It is not just a question of prison visits and of people being shifted far away from their homes , because telephone calls can also be a problem .
17 Most farmers and their workers are fully alert to the potentially fatal consequences of an overturning tractor , but fail to recognise that its power take-off shaft can also be a killer .
18 The doll family can also be the basis for exploring ideas of relationships , comparison , ordering and number .
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