Example sentences of "[noun] can [not/n't] [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 New words can not be added to this class — hence its name .
2 Likewise they implicitly assume that over the medium-term ( 3-10 years ) , the supply side can not be assumed to be constant .
3 The statute can not be referring to the interests of all those individuals because they may differ and the interests of the majority are not necessarily the same as the interests of the State .
4 The metabolic concentrations can not be taken to be representative of analgesic ratios .
5 The base cost of the qualifying investment can not be reduced to less than zero by the rolled-over chargeable gain .
6 The catalytic inactivity of the mutant protein can not be attributed to a defect in overall folding since Dcm and Dcm/Cys177Ser show indistinguishable DNA binding properties ( see below : Figure 4 ) .
7 This rule can not be applied to items from the newer weaving countries ( Pakistan and the Balkans , etc ) which produce workshop versions of almost any type of design .
8 When considering the weight or strength of the reasons for an action , the reasons for the rule can not be added to the rule itself as additional reasons .
9 The complicated narrative of the emancipation can not be reduced to the proposition that Alexander sensed he was facing a crisis and believed that attack was the best form of defence .
10 The fault can not be attributed to a draughting error because the 2N3904 and BC546 are npn transistors and the circuit will pass only 5mA when 2.7V is between A and B.
11 For example , an Indian village producing Kashan-style rugs can not be said to be part of the Kashan weaving group ; nor can the Persian towns of Kashan and Arak be placed together , despite their relative proximity , because of the strong dissimilarities in their rugs .
12 An ageing labour force can not be expected to be a mobile one .
13 There are claimed benefits in academic progress and in social and emotional maturity , but the solution to the basic problem of the language and learning environments can not be taken to be solved in the mainstreaming option .
14 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
15 If the purpose of the law is to protect women from acts of sexual intercourse to which they have not in fact consented , whether by reason of force actually applied , physical or other threat , or fear induced by the accused or by others , then the relevant question would appear to be : Did this particular woman , in these particular circumstances , submit to this particular man ; or did she in fact freely consent to have intercourse with him ? … if the law deems the woman to have consented to the act despite ample evidence of threats which rendered her submissive but non-consenting , then the law can not be said to be serving its true function of protecting individuals from the imposition of non-consensual sexual intercourse . ’
16 The EAGGF Guarantee and Guidance expenditure can be allocated , but administrative expenditure upon the institutions of the EC , or aid to Third World countries can not be allocated to particular member states .
17 An ambivalence to assessment in Catholic schools rightly stems from the view that religious education in its entirety can not be submitted to formal and sharply focussed testing because of its very nature and its concern with personal faith and commitment .
18 In more recent work , Professor Stewart argues that , although the corporate approach retains its purpose as a challenge to the dominant functional perspective , the ‘ concern of the new management can not be restricted to the corporate centre ’ ( Stewart 1986 : 148 ; cf Stewart 1989 ) .
19 Taking age into account does not lead to estimates closer to unity , and hence the effects can not be attributed to confounding .
20 The traditional view is that there is no age below which a child can not be held to be guilty of contributory negligence .
21 The role of judge can not be left to the exchange prosecutors , but must be given to an independent adjudicator or tribunal .
22 The oral shield of A. bellis is slightly rounded triangular while in A. tritonis it is distinctly arrowhead-shaped and this disparity can not be attributed to differences in size .
23 That is , what must be done in certain circumstances can not be said to be good without qualification and might involve evil and suffering .
24 It has also been suggested that rape in marriage can not be compared to other forms of rape , since the effect on the victim must needs be far less traumatic .
25 This may well have been the intention , but in fact the implications are clear : demolition rates are too low , compulsory purchase of homes for redevelopment is inevitable in the future ; owner-occupiers can not be trusted to be the final arbiters of whether their homes arc unfit' ; and some existing environments may be so drab as to be not worth preserving' .
26 A very short separate " Declaration of Trust " ( because such matters can not be referred to in the entries on the Register ) to the effect that the parties hold the property and the proceeds thereof in trust for themselves as tenants in common in whatever proportions may have been agreed between them .
27 In the unlikely event that matters can not be resolved to your satisfaction in the resort , the Representative will ask you to record details of any problems on a Holiday Report Form , of which you will be given a copy , and you must then follow up your report by writing to the Customer Relations Department at our Birmingham Head Office ( quoting the numbers of your Holiday Reference and Holiday Report forms ) within 42 days of returning from resort .
28 Replacement seats can not be fitted to Supataps .
29 But these inconveniences can not be related to those which could result at a given moment from the capture by the enemy of three or four battalions , with a loss , by consequence , of several thousands of men .
30 The idealism which inspired this Act of Parliament was eloquently expressed in the House of Commons by Alfred Morris , MP for Manchester , Wythenshawe who had originally introduced this measure as a Private Member 's Bill : If we could bequeath one precious gift to posterity , I would choose a society in which there is genuine compassion for the chronically sick and disabled ; where understanding is unostentatious and sincere ; where needs come before means ; where if years can not be added to their lives , at least life can be added to their years ; … where the disabled have a fundamental right to participate in industry and society according to ability ; where socially preventable distress is unknown ; and where none has cause to be ill at ease because of disability .
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