Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Drawing can also be a way to communicate .
2 Eating can also be an antidote to anxiety .
3 We are only beginning to work out these implications and our chapters of research can only be a base for others to examine in greater detail how our theories work .
4 Short , neat cafe curtains that cover half the window can sometimes be the answer to shut out an ugly view .
5 Flexibility can also be a disadvantage .
6 In this sense , a physics degree can indeed be a narrowing down rather than a broadening out .
7 The fact that parents are trying to keep an emotional secret from the child can often be the root cause of the problem .
8 But for some drivers the ability to cover inhospitable terrain can literally be a matter of life and death — if not for themselves , then for their livestock or their patients .
9 Any published note on the subject at the moment can only be a snapshot of a rapidly moving situation ; the applications can be classified but the individuality and absence of repetition of R&D projects would make detailed descriptions of specific applications of very narrow interest .
10 The demise of capitalism can only be the consequence of a political struggle and it is the course of this struggle between classes , in the conditions created by the development of the capitalist mode of production , which we now have to examine .
11 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
12 Increased confidence can also be the result of using time when unemployed to acquire new skills .
13 Waste can also be a product , for example , where it is sold as a by-product or if it is disposed in a supply situation , rather than a mere discharge , where it may be covered under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 .
14 Guilt can also be a form of self-punishment — anger turned against the self , in the absence of self-love and self-forgiveness .
15 Another form of Credit which is known as the Transferable Credit can sometimes be the answer in situations like this .
16 Dashes of brilliant colour can still be a shock to the system after the rather quiet , dignified grooming of recent seasons , but used with restraint , you can make those around you look faded and tired by comparison .
17 Unfortunately this appealing behaviour can also be the goldfish 's downfall if your pond is visited by a heron with the fish greeting the herons arrival by rising to the surface to be fed .
18 Idleness can also be an enemy of rest and relaxation .
19 If Wittgenstein can still be a foundationalist after the arguments of this chapter , it is clear that the ultimate prospects for foundationalism are not yet decided .
20 It is doubtful whether a right of way over other land belonging to the landlord can ever be an appurtenance , strictly so called ( Re Walmsley and Shaw 's Contract [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 93 ) .
21 ‘ With some Lifetime monthly bills of just £15 the phone can now be a lifeline , ’ says Lorraine .
22 These figures can only be the tip of the iceberg when we see the low rates of eligibility for maternity benefits and full time participation in the paid labour market for mothers with young children ( S. McRae , Maternity Rights in Britain , 1991 PSI ) .
23 Conversely , music that is ill-chosen or ill-performed can actually be a hindrance to commitment , as can a service or preaching which is poor .
24 Motivation of staff can also be a problem , since the results of good book provision are less clearly visible than , say , the results of effective information work ( where an enquirer is likely to make satisfaction immediately known to the staff concerned ) .
25 At the same time , since there is an increase in the production of fixed assets , which by definition can only be a part of surplus-value , this means that the volume of surplus-value and its rate begins to increase .
26 An infection of the bladder could be causing Lucy to lose control at night , and other infections such as flu can also be a factor in the beginnings of night-time accidents .
27 The lesson is that art and objects from the past can never be a rival to mass entertainment ; put art in close proximity to wax works , videos , sound effects , smellies , wenches in costume , recreations of ye olden days , and it pales , becomes invisible and irrelevant .
28 The sexual side of later life can still be the subject of stock jokes .
29 ‘ My life can only be a question of a few weeks .
30 The Soviet Union can never be a party to the Treaty , and material breach gives no rights to non-parties .
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