Example sentences of "[noun] if [pers pn] can not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 P Brownless will substitute for JF if he can not attend Group meetings .
2 What value is our own home if we can not feel for those who are homeless ?
3 The FHSA may be forced to use school dentists or mobile surgeries if they can not find a practice to take new NHS patients .
4 Their anxiety if they can not fill such a gap is close to laughable .
5 The most dangerous clause in the draft is on self-provision for museums , under which any museum can be closed by the authorities if it can not finance itself .
6 His car may need to be specially adapted , for instance if he can not use his hemiplegic hand to operate controls or the hand brake .
7 For instance , suppliers to transport and defence industries are now being faced with strict safety and reliability specifications and do not win contracts if they can not demonstrate they meet them .
8 They can not suck from a mare and must be bottle fed if they still posses a suck reflex or by stomach tube if they can not suckle .
9 The debate over the Aggravating Vehicle-Taking Bill is different , not only because the Bill presumes a defendant responsible for occurrences if he can not disprove mere presence , but also because of the reasons which the Minister of State did eventually offer for this legislative formulation .
10 What worth is our own job if we can not feel for those who are unemployed ?
11 Using the cover of the bushes or whatever , I crouch as low as possible and manoeuvre myself into a position where I know I could cast to them , not forgetting to make a note of a landing site , for it is useless to hook a fish if you can not play it to the landing net .
12 A man must divorce his wife if he can not get on with her ; she has a right to petition for divorce if he refuses to have sex with her .
13 Those responsible for implementing the change will be thwarted in their efforts if they can not have access to the resources they need .
14 Drink plenty of water ( bottled or filtered ) , herb teas , diluted fruit juices , and only one or two cups of ordinary tea or coffee a day if you can not give it up altogether .
15 Parents are likely to seek contact orders if they can not agree reasonable arrangements with the local authority and would like the court to define the frequency , nature or location of contact .
16 Imagine how difficult it is to look at the speaker if you can not tell the direction the voice is coming from , or if you can not hear his voice and maybe do n't know he is speaking .
17 However , mail-order suppliers and stores are listed at the back of the book for certain icings and decorating materials if you can not face making your own .
18 He is not in a court captivity , he must live wild like the rest , and founder if he can not keep their pace .
19 How can we have a ministry that is really effective inside the church if we can not live it outside the church ?
20 What comfort can we get from our own happiness if we can not feel for those who are condemned to live in misery ?
21 It is no good anyone complaining about the state of affairs in the world if they can not get their own town into some semblance of order .
22 But Federal Justice spokesman Viktor Schlumpf said yesterday : ‘ He will lose his resident status if he can not prove he has a professional link here . ’
23 I would suggest to you that this must be an extraordinarily sens environmentally sensitive county if it can not afford over fifteen years , to take an extra point one nine percent of its unconstrained land into development .
24 What are the prospects of disconnection for industrial customers in the coming year if they can not afford to pay the exorbitant increases that the electricity companies are seeking from them ?
25 Use a good cream cheese if you can not find Mascarpone .
26 Similarly , bankers become committed to a customer if they can not withdraw facilities without causing that customer financial distress .
27 ROGER BLACK yesterday revealed he will quit athletics if he can not end the injury nightmare which shattered his Olympic dream .
28 No doubt if I can not break out of the convention of thinking as though I were a detached Ego contemplating unmoved both the possible consequences and my fear of them , it will seem that I can have no reason to stop smoking unless I recognize some further imperative such as ‘ Take care of your health ’ .
29 Accordingly , it was agreed that JF should be asked to provide a substitute if he can not attend meetings .
30 ‘ Now in her fifties , she found most of the clothes were completely unsuited to her personally and you do lose interest if you can not wear what you are producing , ’ Deborah commented .
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