Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 All the little steps have added up to a high achievement .
2 Over the last four months readers have responded magnificently to the invitation to send in drawings or paintings relating to my series of articles .
3 TWO student chefs from Darlington College have won through to the finals of a national catering competition .
4 As a rough guide two strands wound together make something approximately like three-ply in thickness and three together are usually reckoned to be about a four-ply. these fine industrial yarns used to be in the ‘ odds and ends ’ bins , but the manufacturers have caught on to the fact that they are popular with machine knitters , so now they can be bought under a brand name .
5 I was very pleased with the finished result , but I must confess , after wearing it several times , a few of the cut floats have worked through to the front .
6 Resident outside the airfield 's motel for nearly 30 years , it was beginning to look very much the worse for wear and , as other Ouragons have given in to the ravages of time , attract the nearest of museums .
7 Parents have handed over to an outsider to solve a problem he or she never has to face .
8 The water companies have reacted critically to the tougher stance taken by the NRA .
9 To lose height pilots have to spiral down to the runway .
10 Conservationists have gone back to an ancient method of catching ducks , using a dog to lure the birds into a net .
11 Rising incomes have led both to an increase in wealth and an increase in borrowing .
12 Ticket sales for this year 's Ryedale Festival have got off to a record start with more than £16,000 netted in the first three weeks and some events are already sold out , says director Geoffrey Emmerson .
13 Friends of Elizabeth Patterson have contributed handsomely to the Fund in her memory , one object of which is to provide books for the Library on the History of Science .
14 ‘ Prices at the top end have fallen quite dramatically and now unemployment fears have filtered through to the middle and lower end of the market . ’
15 Exports to China have slipped down to the 1987 levels after an artificial high in 1988 caused by the coincidence of a number of major orders .
16 The Burleigh group set off from London on Friday morning and they 're hoping their efforts have raised up to a million pounds for the 2 hospitals .
17 I think it 's necessary to stress this since a number of representations have referred specifically to the constraints which the locational strategy embodied in policy I five on the ability to deliver the proposed structure plan on employment land allocation .
18 In spite of such precautions , bugs have dropped on to the pillow of the sick woman before the visitor 's eyes …
19 Indonesia and Malaysia have responded belligerently to the European parliament 's resolution calling for a ban on imports of tropical hardwoods .
20 Other imbibers have gone over to the dark side of beer , rejecting the pasteurised lager produced by the breweries .
21 Places differ not simply because their physical environments differ but also because , for a variety of reasons , people have responded differently to the opportunities and constraints that those environments offer .
22 ‘ And six thousand people have come out to the meetings . ’
23 In countries which already have predominantly enterprise-level bargaining reverse and countervailing pressures have operated only to a more limited extent — in this case towards greater consolidation in bargaining structures .
24 These external pressures have worked through to the universities , and it may be argued that the current problems universities face in regard to research funding in the earth sciences are the result of the rapid , uncontrolled increases in the 1970's .
25 After weeks of almost uncanny silence , interest rates have moved sharply to the top of the election agenda .
26 The staff have reacted stoically to the news .
27 More than 50 orphaned or injured otters from all over Britain have come in to the trust 's rehabilitation centre in south-west Scotland .
28 WITTON Gilbert WMC members have got off to a good start with their appeal to provide two guide dogs for the blind .
29 Other leaders have gone over to the Anaheim Vineyard for training .
30 Edinburgh graduates have risen rapidly to the top of their profession , obtaining partnerships in consulting engineers ' design offices , senior posts in local authority offices , directorships of civil engineering contractors and university chairs .
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