Example sentences of "[noun] were going [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I did the pictures , but I remember being horrified that these pictures were going to be printed .
2 That way she 'd be more in command of the situation instead of turning up the next morning knowing all eyes were going to be fixed on her .
3 I mean I actually voted for this contract , erm , rather reluctantly , but it seemed better than not , doing so at the time , but we were given assurances , and it was very well understood by absolutely everybody , that vigorous management would be needed in order to achieve the targetising and that was the only way that the savings were going to be made , and it does seem that , that , erm that has not been going on .
4 POWELL : Ah , ah , I , I am saying in addition that that either meant that the thing was going to be vetoed anyhow by the Falkland Islanders , and that therefore even if Britain wanted to get rid of , of sovereignty , she was n't going to get rid of it in terms of her own statement ; or that the Falkland Islanders were going to be put under so much pressure , ah — we need n't go into the details of what is meant in those connections , by pressure ; I 'm sure the Foreign Office will supply the details if requested — ah , would be put under so much pressure that eventually they would collapse and give way .
5 It would help us to implement this if we knew our concerns were going to be addressed with research ’ .
6 He commented : ‘ We were woken up with a jolt when we found out that Spinneys were going to be bought out by some ‘ jocks from over the border ’ .
7 Once he had called it , appealed to aggiornamento , banned anathemas , included observers of other Churches within its deliberations , and allowed it to have its head against the warnings of the guardians of the old order such as Ottaviani and Ruffini , the consequences were inevitable : the foundations of many hundred years were going to be rocked upon every side .
8 No hearts were going to be broken , he told her with the frankest face , if he were to run off with a Protestant and have a dozen kids .
9 Er a specific on only thing that might have been I think was really , erm the erm the concern that some people expect erm are for rural areas , whether there was going t there were going to be con whether things were going to be spread thinner on the ground in rural areas , particularly sort of transport costs , and of course erm there 's one , but nevertheless , the concern that that would be underlying that and the erm the erm the the rural community
10 The final stage of assessment was the negotiation of a treatment contract , including which of the patient 's problems were going to be tackled and the practical arrangements for treatment sessions .
11 The Unionists were going to be wiped out .
12 I learned of their decision colleagues last night on television when the Chairman announced at the U D M Conference , who are not involved in this issue at all , that three thousand redundancies of management and clerical staff were going to be made .
13 There 's my notes from the when I actually passed a repeat and we did n't say that travel agents sales were going to be done on that number .
14 She told them that she and Mike were going to be married very soon and they could have a look at her wedding dress as it was nearly finished .
15 No tears were going to be shed for him .
16 It was symptomatic of the British approach to the whole question that at the time the Act took effect no one knew , even to an approximation , how many data users were going to be required to register .
17 With a field in its infancy such as this one , it has not always been known which languages were going to be involved until the students were actually recruited .
18 A lot of different disciplines were going to be dragged in .
19 Lots of suggestions , old cinemas were going to be used as a sort of permanent blues club .
20 who thought that their houses were going to be demolished er preferably on Christmas Eve or
21 While at school the following day there was a general rumour being passed around , this was that all pupils were going to be sent home .
22 The only reason I went this rather dicey route was that we heard a buzz that all the billets were going to be searched .
23 Her hands were shaking as she obliged , so the photos were going to be blurred , and she put the camera down hastily when Nicky returned to the lounge with Luke .
24 Even the duly authorised activities of the Simonova were going to be undertaken at a respectable distance .
25 Yes , in one five , erm they 're practising notes from Eynsham it does happen to be in Cherwell ward and not North ward , erm there is a booklet out about health and housing in Cutteslowe , and I wondered what the connection between , you know , not being on this committee , but these health action areas , and what in fact is happening in housing , because the director did assure me that other wards were going to be treated to the same erm treatment .
26 On some issues there was a good deal of discussion , but if by ‘ conviction government ’ it is meant that certain slogans were going to be elevated and written in tablets of stone and used as the put-down at the end of every argument , then , of course , that is indeed what happened .
27 Just at that moment my gardener came with his basket , and when the woman realised that the flowers in the vase on my table were going to be thrown away , to make way for the fresh ones .
28 Yet it might also be argued that the major political parties ensured that , despite the attention which Mosley attracted , the fascists were going to be marginalized .
29 and we knew exactly what photographs were going to be taken who was shaking who 's hand and you know .
30 Individual capitalists could serve his cause , even making a personal profit on the way , but they were also selling the rope with which they and their class were going to be hanged .
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