Example sentences of "[noun] were [verb] to [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Of course in conformity with ecclesiological principles , schools were expected to be in the Gothic style .
2 Islington , Southwark , Camden and Hounslow were thought to be in the bag .
3 No German warships were thought to be in the immediate area and only some four squadrons of fighters and bombers — an estimated 37 planes — were flying from Herdia , Stavanger , and Trondheim .
4 Valuable though such concessions were felt to be in the short term , we concluded it was wrong to encourage prospecting in sensitive waters without an adequate understanding of the nature and level of the risks involved .
5 Fifteen yeomen were stated to be in the service of some lord or other , four being ‘ reteyned ’ by them ; six acted as bailiffs of townships , and the remainder were simply ‘ servants ’ , like Christopher Lacy of Riddlington , ‘ Seruant in the Howsehold w the Lord Hastings ’ , who had £15 in goods , reduced to £8 in the subsidy , where he was described as husbandman .
6 All the candidates were said to be in favour of free legislative elections and economic reform .
7 A number of safeguards were said to be in force , the first being that all applications had to be made in writing .
8 Speaking at the launch of the report , the Inspectorate 's director and chief inspector , David Slater , said that recruitment had improved and that 300 new inspectors were expected to be in their posts by early next year .
9 By late July about 20 dissidents were known to be in detention , several ( including Matiba and Rubia ) under security legislation which allowed for detention without charge for up to 14 days or longer .
10 In 1986 , 440 thousand lone parents were estimated to be in paid work including those receiving sb with part-time earnings .
11 Efforts by Pakistan and Iran to broker a peace settlement with the mujaheddin on the basis of the UN plan were reported to be in progress as of mid-1991 .
12 Eight thousand miners were known to be in Yanomami territory in 1989 , when they constructed a hundred airstrips to ferry in fuel , food and mining equipment .
13 But breaches of the injunction continued and the union officials were held to be in contempt , the union being fined £50,000 with sequestration of assets to follow , if needed .
14 Soon two-thirds of the activists of the Provisional IRA in Ulster were reported to be in prison either awaiting trial or convicted .
15 Except where a delay or derogation was allowed under the Directive — and the UK had now also accepted that its grounds for derogation had all along been invalid — ‘ all supplies of drinking water in the United Kingdom were required to be in compliance with the Directive by 20 July ’ .
16 In the event neither the manager nor the owners were held to be in breach of duty .
17 The bombings were thought to be in retaliation for the shooting by British soldiers in an undercover operation on Oct. 9 of IRA activists Desmond Grew and Martin McCaughey near Loughgall in south Armagh .
18 Lang insists that the planned reforms were designed to be in the best interests of local government .
19 By Sept. 20 six had been arrested , including deputy speaker Ilijaz Ramajli ; of the remainder , it was reported on Sept. 24 that one had committed suicide , and that the rest were believed to be in hiding outside Kosovo .
20 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
21 In the silence that followed most of the chiefs were seen to be in tears and the council was dissolved until the afternoon .
22 In the north , after a wave of determined attacks against the regime , forcefully repelled , 1 million Kurds were reported to be in flight , trudging through the mountains , hoping to find sanctuary in Turkey and Iran .
23 By March 31 Gamsakhurdia forces were said to be in retreat although railways and roads were still blocked .
24 However , since representations of satyrs are often given negroid features , there is a suggestion that negroes were considered to be in some sense monstrous .
25 The arrests were thought to be in connection with a series of violent attacks .
26 The skeletons of a further 12,000-16,000 victims of the Soviet secret police were feared to be in Bautzen where preliminary excavations began in September .
27 There is no substance to Neumann 's remark that the ‘ many minuets [ of the classical masters ] without tempo indications were understood to be in Tempo di menuetto or in Allegretto and that , we have seen , was anything but fast ’ .
28 The journals were seen to be in better health , both scientifically and economically , than for many years , and plans to take advantage of this situation , in promoting the journals to both authors and subscribers , were approved .
29 The couple were reported to be in ‘ satisfactory condition ’ in hospital .
30 However Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 ( which was not a case between husband and wife ) decided that where there had been no discussion between the parties about their respective beneficial interests , the Court could not infer an intention of equal shares ; the shares were presumed to be in proportion to their respective contributions .
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