Example sentences of "[noun] were [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her words were lost in a fit of coughing , and at once he dragged her to her feet , supporting her across Water Gypsy 's gangplank .
2 Her words were lost in the sound of grinding gears , and the car leaped away from the sidewalk , knocking Mrs Frizzell 's hat askew and leaving her mouthing furiously at nobody .
3 ’ But then he opened the door , and his words were lost in the wind .
4 … and ribber These two little words were cut off a sentence at the bottom of the page in Liz 's October article , thereby changing its meaning .
5 The brief period of time in which the words were presented to the subject in our experiment , however , limited the kinds of words that could be used as stimuli .
6 Precisely because the composition of phonolexical sets can not be specified on phonological grounds , it is difficult to find a principled way of specifying the lexical input to the variable ( u ) ; eventually eighteen words were assigned to the set simply on the basis of observation .
7 His words were followed by a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen .
8 However , it should be noted that Scrutton LJ 's words were said in a case involving a contract between commercial parties and it now seems that the insistence that public policy is primarily concerned with holding people to their agreements is now out of favour .
9 But since on this occasion the words were dictated to the child it is more likely to be the child 's efforts to repeat the sound to herself and to write down her idea of a phonic equivalent .
10 So the question , where a wording which was not accepted by tradition was used , was always whether it was intended by the testator to give rise to a relationship at law ; and the words were examined for an intention to set up a trust .
11 Words were exchanged between the comic and Holiday , said Mr McCartney .
12 In dealing with the allegation of infringement of a trade mark , Lord Justice Dillon said that there could only be such an infringement if the words were used by an offender in the trade mark sense .
13 In section 265 , for example , terms such as ‘ domiciled , ’ ‘ personally present , ’ ‘ ordinarily resident , ’ have had attributed to them , both in the context of bankruptcy and in that of civil procedure generally , a wealth of refined construction which it is difficult to suppose Parliament did not intend equally to apply when those words were used in the Act of 1986 .
14 Ernest 's words were drowned in the call which went up from the ship , and the outburst of cheering from the Flamingo 's passengers .
15 He opened his mouth to speak but his words were drowned by a volley of musket fire nearby and the crash of a round shot which brought down a shower of plaster on the heads of his audience .
16 The rest of the queen-dowager 's words were drowned by the prince 's whoops of joy — and the cardinal , kept waiting for over an hour , hearing the hullabaloo , exchanged relieved glances with his fellows .
17 Ranulf , nudging Maltote , leered at the pretty ladies in their fillets and low-waisted dresses ; sometimes his words were drowned by the clamour of the crowd and the mid-day peal of the bells of London tolling for prayers from their great stone-washed , stately towers .
18 As noted above , Aristo argued , by analogy with the way in which the words were interpreted in the case of a legacy of dowry and in stipulations on sale of an inheritance , and bearing in mind the testator 's intention , that the words should be taken to include non-pecuniary dispositions .
19 The words were delivered with a flatness that stopped her with her hand on the door .
20 Input words were coded by a feature vector sequence .
21 Words were spoken over the bread and wine .
22 Successors were appointed at the end of October 1989 to the heads of Italy 's two largest state enterprises , Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale ( IRI ) and Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi ( ENI ) .
23 In 1456 Djuradj Branković died , and his squabbling successors were pushed across the Danube when the Turks took Smederovo in 1459 .
24 Problems relating to Châteauroux and other lands in dispute in Berry and Auvergne were referred to a panel of arbitrators ; Richard was to marry Alice ; finally both Louis and Henry agreed to go on crusade and , in the meantime , made a mutual non-aggression pact .
25 Conversely , to enter the chemical laboratory envisaged in 1606 by Andreas Libavius — a respectable Lutheran humanist , critic of the Paracelsians , and author of what has been described as the first chemical textbook — would be to enter an open house in which the products of the furnace were investigated with a sense of responsibility for the welfare of one 's fellow men .
26 The indexing language was added to during the construction of the database as more aspects were suggested by the materials .
27 However , they thought that these aspects were outweighed by the loss of headquarters functions and their multipliers from Scotland , and concluded that UK mergers policy was blind to some of these issues .
28 Those guidelines were produced for the police national computer mark I. It is now almost five years since they were published .
29 No PLTE or PLDE were detected in the concretion .
30 Six under-developed fry were observed in a group , separate from the rest of the shoal .
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