Example sentences of "[noun] has [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Technique has replaced morality as the crucial question to ask about sex . ’
3 Scott contends that the growth of investment institutions has given rise to a distinct mode of control , namely ‘ control through a constellation of interests ’ .
4 In a polemical critique of modern comprehensive school practice , for instance , David Hargreaves has expressed concern about the ways in which public examinations can come to dominate the process of teaching and learning in secondary schools .
5 The processes through which the text has become part of the textuality of history will probably have meant the re-deployment of those original agencies so that they have reappeared in some disguised fashion within currently familiar structural organisation for understanding culture .
6 The photocopier has made reliance on a publisher less necessary than it was , but the future of the material coming from parish musicians will nevertheless be determined by the passage of time and the growing musical literacy of the public .
7 British Rail has accepted responsibility for the accident and will be starting its own internal inquiry tomorrow .
8 In the UK the CAA has drawn attention to a continuing problem with cracking of reinforced walkway panes on Piper PA-28s .
9 But such union-government bargaining has taken place on a wide range of issues ; for example , over new investment in poorer regions ( e.g. Eisenhammer 1985 : 42–4 ) , rescue bids for ailing private sector companies ( e.g. Grassini 1981 : 82 ) , extension of union participation in management ( e.g. Batstone et al.
10 If however the shares of each party have never been determined , then at least proper service of the notice of severance ensures that severance has taken place with the advantage as mentioned earlier ( see p51 ) .
11 The reason why linguistics has had such importance for literary theory , however , is not just that a change of direction has taken place in the development of the discipline .
12 Structural de-regulation has increased competition in the building society industry and the Stock Exchange , but at the same time investor protection has been tightened .
13 In effect the Park has become part of the city 's road network .
14 This change has focussed attention on the effectiveness of organisations in the member states .
15 A significant change has taken place in the wording of the statement , on this particular issue , from the original nineteen ninety draft of which was produced by the working party of which I was convenor .
16 Since no legislation has been passed to reduce socio-economic inequalities in industrial discipline and since trade union activity has not been concerned with such issues either , it is almost certain that little change has taken place in the years since this study .
17 This is an indication of how much change has taken place in the past .
18 An increasing number of archivists and a few historians are coming to believe that a major change has taken place in the manner in which human society creates the evidence which will be used by the historians who , in the future , come to write about the late twentieth century ( Morris , et. al. 1992 ) .
19 Former Beirut hostage John McCarthy has paid tribute to the staff of RAF Lyneham who gave him help and support after his release .
20 Firstly , it is clear that a transfer of responsibility has taken place between the different forms of provision .
21 In discussing this possibility , MacDonald has drawn attention to an article on ‘ Atomic Theory ( Indian ) ’ by Hermann Jacobi .
22 The process will take about half an hour , will require two reels of tape and will be initiated by the Computer Services Department operator at 08.00 , whenever a transfer to the Working-Set has taken place on the previous night .
23 After all , Mr Lawson has taken pride in the fact that recorded inflation is coming down , which makes it difficult to explain to — say — the Tory party conference why interest rates have to follow the Germans up .
24 The expansion of such investments has taken place in the midst of a worldwide process of financial liberalization , with capital controls being relaxed and transactions costs being reduced in securities markets .
25 Indigenous peoples from northern Russia are demanding a halt to work on exploiting the Udokan copper deposit until the Russian parliament has passed legislation on the economic status of the region and the rights of indigenous people .
26 An RAF base has said farewell to a plane which played a vital role during the Gulf War .
27 The extended partnership of business , local education service , university and polytechnic , in Sheffield has taken ownership of the Sheffield Record of Experience and Achievement .
28 Accepted this indicates whether the Current holder has accepted responsibility for the SPR ( Y ) or not ( N ) .
29 If this occurs the user should check that there is sufficient disk quota in the specified directory and that the user has write access to the directory .
30 If it was n't there already , the impact of recession has spurred awareness in the corporate law sector that you ca n't just sit and wait for clients to come to your door with their next little legal exercise .
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