Example sentences of "[noun] have be [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My client and his girlfriend have been together for some six year , they have three children aged six , five and four .
2 Erm the n the net movements between Cleveland and North Yorkshire as a whole have been respectively for nineteen eighty eight , four hundred and fifty five persons , for nineteen eighty nine , two hundred and twenty nine persons , er for nineteen ninety , two hundred and forty persons , nineteen ninety one , three hundred and thirty seven persons , and for nineteen ninety three , because I missed the figures for ninety two for some reason , they 're not there , er five hundred and ninety nine .
3 You think of the people , I mean , these people have been there for all those years
4 Some of the staff have been here for twenty years .
5 Those papers have been there for more than a century .
6 Brooke Alexander , of course , and Josh Baer , Ronald Feldman , Pat Hearn and Feature have been there for some time .
7 The Jordanians are doing a magnificent job , keeping , keeping the show going erm people in those camps in many cases have been there for 4,5 or 7 days .
8 50 officers are involved in the hunt for the man 's attackers ; scenes of crime and forensic experts have been here for most of the day .
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