Example sentences of "[noun] had been [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps Bad Schwarzendorn had been in Allied hands by then .
2 Two-thirds were in less-developed countries , whereas five years previously about half the world 's known HIV infections had been in developed countries ( mostly in the USA ) .
3 US Senate armed services committee chairman Sam Nunn asked the Defence Department to conduct a further investigation , citing the statement in the ABC broadcast by Adml. ( retd ) William Crowe , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , that the Vincennes had been in Iranian waters when it fired the missile , not in international waters as previously claimed .
4 The worst peasant uprisings in the Civil War had been against German expeditions in search of food supplies .
5 Whereas the original demand had been for actual ships , the Crown began in the 1590s to ask for money instead .
6 Newspaper journalists came up with the information that the pachinko barons had been just as liberal with their cash as the Recruit corporation had been with political donations and cheap shares not long before .
7 Mr punch had been in high spirits , too , in the summer of 1856 , thinking that crinoline was a great joke .
8 In 1830 a monk living in Bentota , a village on the south-western coast , singled out George Turnour , an Englishman whose career had been in Kandyan districts , as an unusual arbitrator in that he understood Sinhala .
9 Its first political use had been by extreme conservatives against Bismarck ; during his struggle against the socialists antisemitism spread to all parties on the Right .
10 In education the party conformed more to what would be expected : 196 MPs had been to public schools ( 68 per cent of the party , twice the proportion of Liberals ) and eighty-six of these had been at Eton , almost a third of the party .
11 In time the Pomeranian Poles would have undoubtedly been absorbed into the German-language community as their forbears had been in previous centuries .
12 Jerusalem had been in Arab hands since the seventh century and the Holy Sepulchre was empty , but such was the emotional fervour stirred up by Urban 's preachers that the First Crusade was launched and a new kind of ‘ holy war ’ was under way .
13 ZETA had been behind closed doors in Hangar 7 , a huge aircraft hangar , 100 m long , which is now converted into a lab .
14 Throughout the summer Solchaga had been in fruitless negotiations for a " pact of progress " between the government and the two main unions — the socialist General Workers ' Union ( UGT ) and the communist Workers ' Commissions ( CCOO ) .
15 Recently Princess Jeeta and Jamila had been in funereal moods , not for a second allowing Anwar to enjoy the pleasure of his tyranny .
16 Espey had been at United Distillers since 1986 , most recently as chairman of its North American operation , where he oversaw its acquisition of Glenmore Distilleries ( MW July 19 , 1991 ) and the division 's subsequent reorganisation .
17 Mr Mark Davies , NUM branch secretary , said the trapped men had been in high spirits throughout their ordeal , singing and joking and , at times , trying to move rubble themselves .
18 Almost all of these men had been in psychiatric hospitals at some time in their lives , especially the younger ones .
19 The first observation I was able to make when the books were gathered together was that , although almost all the press coverage had been about public libraries , since they were the focus of political controversy , only c .
20 Talabani , in Ankara on Oct. 26-28 for talks with Demirel and with European and United States representatives protested that both operations had been against civilian areas .
21 The home affairs ministry had been against American requests to relax the law that protects small shopkeepers by making it hard for supermarkets and department stores ( big importers all ) to open branches in their neighbourhoods .
22 Of the twenty non-royal knights who processed into the chapel , all except for the two former Labour prime ministers had been at public schools .
23 About half the planting under the scheme had been of broadleaved trees or native pinewoods .
24 Both Father and Mother had been through difficult times financially in their twenties but Father had founded a fine family business in London which flourished and while both of them were wise and sensible about money there was never any lack of it and funds were available for anything that would widen our horizons and education .
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