Example sentences of "[noun] had [been] [v-ing] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Stafford had been searching all night and finally came so close that he heard the child crying :
2 It had struck her that perhaps that was where Jake had been going that night he 'd called her from Heathrow Airport — on a secret brief honeymoon with Janice after a quick , quiet register office wedding .
3 It was a shirt exactly like the one her singer had been wearing that night , as he swaggered among the women , and whispered ‘ Me quieres ? ’ to them all .
4 A YORKSHIRE terrier saved a dying pensioner after police tracker dogs had been searching all night .
5 She 'd found her way to Charlie through another of the contact magazines , back in the days when his wife had been handling that end of the business ; she 'd had to send along a photograph and that had gone a little against the grain — in all of her moonlighting so far , she 'd never let slip so much as her name — but everything had worked out well .
6 Turned out she wanted to know if Uncle Adam had been sending any radio messages .
7 This row , this argument had been brewing all season long .
8 Glass had been earning some money by transcribing Ravi Shankar 's score for the film , Chappacqua .
9 Although he was chary of broaching the subject of a full-time shepherd , when he did so , he found that his father had been giving some thought to the matter .
10 Following upon the decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 , a whole succession of English bishops had been publishing this legislation and adding to it their own diocesan statutes ; Pecham himself in 1281 drew upon the legislation of two archbishops — Langton ( 1222 ) and Boniface ( 1261 ) — and two papal legates — Otto ( 1237 ) and Ottobuono ( 1268 ) .
11 Seaside entrepreneurs had been feeding this appetite , building this market , for several generations already .
12 Violet Mapping had been running this massage parlour for five years .
13 The negro was obviously homosexual and I realized that homosexuals had been buying that stuff for years .
14 Pike was pointing to the grass near to where Mr Marr had been sitting that night .
15 She and Jeremy had been seeing each other fairly regularly , but he was an investment banker and they were both so hectically involved in their jobs that they 'd opted for casual , no-strings dating almost by mutual consent .
16 Harbury had been failing all day to reach Wickham , which was especially frustrating as Wickham was in the same building and Harbury felt proprietorial about the crime .
17 The commercialization of peasant agriculture had been fostering such differentiation long before Stolypin threw his weight behind it , yet it had done nothing to temper the ferocity of the peasants ' attack upon the nobility in 1905 .
18 The West Germans had been using this technique to stimulate postwar rebuilding since the 1950s , and the Department of the Environment clearly saw some parallels .
19 The pair had been drinking all day and Jones downed more than 10 pints , while Miss Smith , 29 , drank six or seven pints of cider , Nottingham Crown Court was told yesterday .
20 But others had been celebrating all night .
21 It was dusk , it was wet , and Nicholas had been riding all day .
22 Work colleague Melvyn Robinson of Bouch Street , Shildon , said he believed Mr Hughes had been drinking all afternoon .
23 Earl Grey was so English , so sedate , and maybe Ilsa had been living that way for fifty years .
24 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
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