Example sentences of "[noun] had [verb] [conj] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe in the old town itself where the centuries had come and gone and left no trace .
2 By the time the foal had tottered and swayed and nuzzled at Firelight in all the wrong places and eventually found the right spot to have a slurp of milk , Nails was surprised to see that it was beginning to go light .
3 Two such visitors had come and gone since her arrival at Roscarrock Hall , one an Irish priest on his way out to Galicia and the other an Oxford scholar on his way to train as a Jesuit in France .
4 But over the past five or six years the visits had increased and lengthened until , in the preceding few months , they had settled permanently upon his presence .
5 Ruth had nodded and smiled and Fernando had kissed the tip of her nose .
6 Georg had sat and watched and glowered .
7 A fellow shop-steward , a quiet man called Stan Peachey whom Les had bullied and scorned because of his Christian commitment , said to him , ‘ You talk about uniting the workers of the world , Les , uniting humanity ? ’
8 But he did miss it ; he thought he had been born homesick ; he certainly thought he had spent most of his life waiting and longing and aching for the Bright Palace where his mother 's people had quarrelled and laughed and made love and war , and where the charming ruthless Wolfkings had woven Ireland 's history .
9 It did look terribly empty , such a change from a few hours ago when music had filled the air and swaying bodies had danced and laughed and fooled about .
10 If the gallery outside the silver door had hummed and quivered and thrown out heat before , now the sensations were magnified and multiplied a hundred times as Calatin set the Silver Looms to harness the power of the sorcerer .
11 Out there the whole cosmos rolled and sang , out there the stars had danced and sung when Fenna called to them .
12 The two men had smiled and laughed and let themselves be led out on to the lake .
13 When the doctor had come and gone and the place was quiet again , Richard put on his dressing gown and tiptoed across .
14 When the cold engine that was the city had coughed and kicked and finally started up for the day , then she 'd set out about her business .
15 The young prince had showered and changed since she had last seen him .
16 The Purple Hour had come and gone and it was full night now , so that moonlight lay across the forest , gleaming coldly , silvering the outlines of the Trees and the silhouettes of the awakening naiads and dryads .
17 By 5 am the guns of both batteries had been spiked as planned , by having iron wedges driven into their touch-holes , and the two groups had met as agreed and set about their work of destruction .
18 If a Labour Prime Minister had died or retired whilst in office the Parliamentary Party election procedure would have produced a new leader .
19 A delicious tray of fresh Severn salmon sandwiches had come and gone as had several more rounds of drinks , and Yanto was getting restless .
20 He was the son of a clergyman , and his mother had scrimped and saved and made the lives of her family and parish miserable in order to send her son to Portlington .
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