Example sentences of "[noun] we [verb] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are aware of the limited value of both as guides to comprehending the true nature of insanity , especially the more positive aspects we see reflected in the creative mind , and we fully agree with Lyndall Gordon who , when writing about Virginia Woolf , comments ‘ Our language has , as yet , no term for madness which is not demeaning . ’
2 Now we cross to the other side of the no go area but turning is called tacking , and so to make ground for wind width we have to go in a series of zig-zags , each time turning for about ninety degrees and see that the sail is kept full most of the time only flapping momentarily as the boat turns directly through the eye of the wind .
3 The marked language of the Miller 's Tale , swyve and pisse , is found again in the Reeve 's Tale ; fartynge is not named as such in the Reeve 's Tale , but is included with a circumlocution that uses a marked term we have seen in the Shipman 's Tale : The miller 's boast : is no doubt intended to be simply proverbial , but has a richly ironic meaning in light of the " beard " that Absolon finds upon obtaining his kiss from Alison ( 3730 – 43 ) .
4 Er the only point I wish to make is that there is considerable variability we have found in the grading erm and the Ministry of Agriculture maps can not be relied upon for relatively small er or larger areas .
5 We 'd decided to have a ploughman 's lunch or some such at a likely-looking pub we 'd seen in the next village .
6 Nevertheless , there is a need to protect what little green field sites we have left in the Borough and if the Council can be swayed in such a manner against the interests of the town , then what will happen to the face of our town is anyone 's guess .
7 The house was built in 1573 by the sculptor Leone Leoni , ( an example of whose work we have seen in the Duomo ) .
8 The modification we have done in the past to vehicles ( particularly in windy areas ) is to screw to the door edge and footwell a strip of seat belt webbing which , when taught , stops the door touching the door post .
9 ‘ Glossiness ’ 17% and ‘ awkard size ’ 15% are the criticisms we have tackled in the re-design process .
10 Notwithstanding the serious criticisms we have made in the report about certain aspects of the scheme , the results , taken as a whole , demonstrate that the green form scheme represents an invaluable social service and provides a source of immediate legal advice to those who need it … .
11 But the best of the lot is the tiny chip of violet nail polish we found caught in a torn portion of the table-cloth . ’
12 er , my Lord there has not been disclosed by the plaintiffs anything more than one copy of the brochure for each site we 've got in the my Lord might I therefore formally call for disclosures of each addition of the brochures that the jury have them
13 The island of Uros we visited lay in the middle of the sheltered Gulf of Chucuito .
14 Every striker we 've got in the club is going and doing some finishing now ; you can hear them going .
15 ‘ It 's a measure of how much progress we 've made in the past 18 months . ’
16 ‘ We certainly surprised a lot of people and I think we may even have surprised ourselves by the progress we had made in a relatively short time . ’
17 Within five years Labour 's industrial policies would have wiped out the competitive advantage we have gained in the last decade .
18 Nervous controls are not the same as behavioural responses of the kind we have seen in the case of reptiles , which situate themselves at angles to gain the maximum benefit from , or to avoid the worst excesses of , solar radiation .
19 We are worried that we ca n't provide the level we have provided in the past .
20 If we can get some action on the ground to tackle rights of way issues , we 'll be able to deal with the kinds of conflicts we 've seen in the past decade .
21 Thinking can only make use of the patterns we have acquired in the past .
22 The sniping was increasing and I had to move away to help guard some German prisoners we had collected in the action .
23 This conviction arose from the literature study as well as from the great deal of experience we had acquired in the shock treatment of these depressions ’ .
24 The aim of this research is to investigate the role of money income targets for a small open economy such as the UK , and their relationship with policies designed to avoid fluctuations in the exchange rate of the magnitude we have seen in the last few years .
25 Like the experiments we have discussed in the two previous sections , these , too , lead to the conclusion that each sentence in discourse is processed clause by clause .
26 We worked with two pens in the one hand , one for black ink and one for red , and at each weather station we had to draw in the symbols for wind speed and direction , barometric pressure , temperature , cloud type , amount and height , and precipitation , all in black , and the wet bulb temperature and dew point in red .
27 I 'm just sitting wondering whether the in light of the problems we 've had in the Gulf , there 's no doubt about it the strengthening of the relationship between this country and the States is certainly there for all of us to see , so do you think that 'll have a spin off in terms of people wanting to come here and visit us ?
28 The vows we had made in the heat of our desire we had not kept .
29 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
30 Perhaps symbolic is the typical picket line of today ; people in high spirits shouting slogans and singing to the beat of a salsa band as they march defiantly under the eyes of the police contrast with the solemn processions of strikers we had seen in the 1940s , walking through the streets in silence and in proper order , as if to create any disturbance was a mark of poor breeding .
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