Example sentences of "[noun] she have [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 He was not very good about women 's clothes , only noticing whether they were becoming or not , but he recognised the quality of hers , and of the big leather handbag she had placed on the desk .
2 Well , then , she would buy some new gowns — just one or two , perhaps — that she might , as Rose said , fit better with the work she had done on the house .
3 It was the decision she 'd made on the silent journey back to the hotel , and one she intended to keep .
4 But professional training took over , as she stepped over the white skirt and blouse she had discarded on the floor , to get her jeans from the wardrobe , her eyes still refusing to open .
5 It 's better than that junk she 's got on the lower level .
6 Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word — and on her choice of it ; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens , and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces .
7 My eye fell on a page she had left on the kitchen table the other day and I had noted , before I could avert my eyes , a pretty scholarly history of my conversion to double-knotting , after an incident when I was unable to get out of the train at Greenwich one evening and found myself being carried on to Maze Hill , because someone was standing on the trailing lace of my shoe .
8 ‘ For the first month she had to sleep on the settee , and I lay on the floor beside her .
9 She took off her bright blue suit with the square shoulders , the outfit she had worn on the morning of her departure from Downing Street , that dreadful day , when betrayed by her Cabinet she had been persuaded ( ‘ against my better judgement , mark you ’ ) to vote for John Major .
10 As Uncle George drove off , Carol began to tell them about the strange flight she 'd had on the broomstick , but then her gaze was caught by several dark objects lying in the snow of the lane ahead .
11 Now there was longing and bitterness in his voice and she caught a glimpse of the man she had met on the boat .
12 The stories of Manjiku she had heard on the island , when she was herself a girl , had not had happy endings : Manjiku continued to raid the inland waters for women , his hunger was not to be appeased , his need to have babies of his own still raged .
13 She eased herself into a sitting position and groped for the heavy torch she had placed on the shelf by her bunk .
14 By the time of her seventieth birthday she had served on the Board of Governors of the BBC , the Corporation 's General Advisory Council , the Arts Council and the British Council and their respective literary committees , to say nothing of her work with such organizations as the Royal Society of Literature .
15 From this a spiral staircase led upwards to a similar-sized room with windows on all sides , and Sabine realised she must be in the tower she 'd noticed on the way in .
16 The sense of desperate urgency she had felt on the way to his house was slipping away … .
17 She rang the number she 'd seen on the underground and went to the address they told her .
18 There lingered perhaps an echo of grimness , and an echo of something else : an expression she had seen on the faces of men who have just loaded ship for a voyage .
19 Something came to her , a graffito she had seen on the wall of a burned-out Josephite temple in Denver , back when she was with the girlie gangcult .
20 Whether it was the relaxed ambience of the city , the clear warm air , or a strange sense of anticipation which heightened all her senses , Gina could n't be sure , but as she made her way towards the Rådhuspladsen — the imposing City Hall square — measuring her stride to avoid the rows of cobblestones which checkered the paving stones beneath her feet , she suddenly felt hungry , despite the champagne breakfast she 'd enjoyed on the flight .
21 Here I use her hypotheses as set out in her paper ‘ Some Mutual Interactions Between Organizations and Their Members ’ as well as others she has written on the same theme .
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