Example sentences of "[noun] which have [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 The achievement of that purpose must on occasion require action which has urgently to be taken , and the entertainment of representations may not be compatible with the urgency .
2 The achievement of that purpose must on occasion require action which has urgently to be taken , and the entertainment of representations may not be compatible with the urgency .
3 The initial deal was for the release of two singles and a potential album deal which has yet to be finalised . ’
4 And that in addition some three and a half thousand dwellings are contained in draft local plans which have yet to be tested through the the local plan process .
5 One issue which has yet to be resolved is that of the provision of large-scale Ordnance Survey mapping .
6 In May , the electorate of Wear Valley chose the Liberals after being given a multitude of promises which have yet to be fulfilled .
7 Mr Brown 's requests suggest there were further hidden subsidies which have yet to be disclosed officially .
8 The danger is that to give their advice some reality they suggest minor changes which have then to be included .
9 This creates additional problems of target language suitability , problems which have yet to be solved .
10 The latter was notably reticent in opening its armouries to UN inspection in July and undergoing the anxiety of a further UN deadline the following month , provoking problems which have yet to be resolved .
11 With the changing balance of power between the working and middle class , it is suggested that we have witnessed the destruction of traditional codes which have yet to be replaced by a similarly coherent new set :
12 Although this proposition is wide enough to cover payment made in response to an illegal demand it was stated in the context of a court order of which the compulsitor must be assumed to be very much stronger than that of a mere demand which has yet to be enforced .
13 None the less the general point which underlies Marx 's concept of production for use , as opposed to production for exchange , seems , in spite of the objections just considered , a fundamental advance which has yet to be fully appreciated .
14 The Willie Morgan Case was re-opened by a pseudo — investigative television programme entitled The Thought Police which has yet to be broadcast .
15 Our billetors were obliged to provide us with breakfast , which might be taken about 7.30 ( or 10.30 if we had been on night duty ) , and one other meal which had also to be a moveable feast .
16 The strategy works by means of paradox , a paradox which has ultimately to be resolved through some sort of fusion between the apparent text and the sub-text .
17 It was not : for , as we have seen , organised labour very soon and consciously became the necessary reciprocal to employing capital and so constituted with it the developed system which had yet to be called Capitalism .
18 We are now more aware of those problems , and there are possibilities under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 — some of which are already being followed and others which have yet to be taken up — to deal with past laxity .
19 By the end of April next year it is hoped the project will have created between six and eight additional walks , in locations which have yet to be decided .
20 They were each sentenced to six years ' imprisonment , but were released on bail pending an appeal which has still to be heard .
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