Example sentences of "[noun] which [was/were] [adv] know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In those days of rationing and imitation food we associated fish paste and potted meat with the fearful compounds of soya bean flour , dried egg and dehydrated onions bashed up with snoek or Spam which were cheerfully known as " mock crab paste " and meat spread " .
2 He started on the play which was eventually known as The Family Reunion in early 1936 , having first completed " Burnt Norton " .
3 Some interesting pink Champagnes are made in this village which was once known for its long lived red wines .
4 The descriptions are a mixture of quotations from texts which were already known at the time of writing , when Rahewin completed the work of Otto von Freising .
5 it is clear from the statement of claim that the er plaintiffs retained the defendants from about the ninth of September to act in relation to the purchase of this wine bar which was then known as er the plaintiffs were obtaining finance from the National Westminster Bank in order to purchase this business and the plaintiff Mr had been engaged in long standing discussions with his bank from the earlier part of nineteen eighty five with a view to er agreeing financing facilities for the purchase of the various opportunities that preven present themselves and er he will say and that he makes clear in his witness statement erm that he certainly had understood that from these negotiations the National Westminster Bank were prepared to provide the financing that he required to run this business .
6 These were of the continuous burning vertical " type which were also known as Shaft Kilns .
7 It was acknowledged that dock identification was unsatisfactory but the identification of a person through a name which was only known by hearsay was almost equivalent to a dock identification .
8 The campus buildings are based around five squares raised up on concrete stilts which were officially known as podia .
9 About the year 1858 he introduced the steam-jacketed receiver which was subsequently known in the navy as ‘ Cowper 's Hot-Pot ’ .
10 Poor old Pengam Moors , the one-time Cardiff Airport which was originally known by the curious name of Splott , is also extinct and remembered only by a pub called The Old Airport .
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