Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb past] [not/n't] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 It was a hard walk to the mountain top , and she was relieved he had selected a pastime which did not require her participation .
2 She said she was spending nights at a local bed-and-breakfast establishment which did not mind her dog .
3 He produced 177 likenesses of her ; a fascination which did n't escape her husband 's notice .
4 Killer Clare was looking after Cathy because she had been employed by a home care agency which had n't checked her references — though she was wanted for arson .
5 ‘ Oh , it 's you , ’ she said flatly , a tone which did not reflect her inner turmoil .
6 There was an edge to her tone which did not escape her observant husband .
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