Example sentences of "[noun] they [vb past] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a general rule they appeared to be slowish , considering most of them were large animals , but there seems to be a considerable variation between species of greatly differing body sizes .
2 Mrs Pember Reeves found that housewives in Lambeth were reluctant to move away and forego the help they knew to be available in times of need , for neighbourliness implied reciprocity .
3 For the moment they had to be content to occupy the episcopal city and from there keep a watchful eye on their enemies .
4 While the Republican politicians dithered and the more violent partisans of the Popular Front vented their anger and frustration on people they considered to be right-wing , ecclesiastical properties and captured rebels , the insurgents entrenched themselves in the positions they had managed to take .
5 They also had to survive the effect of a highly corrosive atmosphere at red heat and a hundred times the atmospheric pressure on Earth , and of course they had to be transparent to infrared radiation .
6 In spite of their success they seemed to be vulnerable to extirpation in a way that some of the less imaginative molluscs , like the bivalves seemed to be immune .
7 They were as shy as I was and the effort they made to be friendly was the most heartening thing I had experienced since I had been taken prisoner .
8 At the same time they wanted to be able to increase their staffing as and when orders came along , and did not want to be in a position to have to refuse orders because they did not have the staff , or lose them because they could not promise fast enough delivery .
9 The loyalists now had the grounds they needed to be able to argue that the executive was undemocratic : the people of Ulster had finally been given a chance to vote on the issue and 50.8 per cent of them were opposed to power-sharing .
10 ‘ I must summon one again , ’ he 'd said , ‘ and speak with it , ’ to which Chant had replied that if they were to attempt such a summoning they had to be ready next time , for voiders were lethal , and could not be tamed except by Maestros of inordinate power .
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