Example sentences of "[noun] they [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The most that the British knew about armies was that intermittently over four or five centuries they got together in a sort of militia or Home Guard in case the enemy arrived , and the necessity of a state to run the affairs of the country for the country 's salvation , was never so present to the British mind as it always has been to the minds of most continental people .
2 Led by Lt Fusata Iida they flew in at a height of 50ft and within a few minutes the airfield was a smoking mess .
3 Not long afterwards , watching , he saw them appear on the roof They looked around for a moment and then went down .
4 What was she , after all , but a crude precursor of the Divine Mother whose labours they celebrated here in a church consecrated to her name ?
5 Teachers must rise to the task of making sure that when parents come to judge schools they do so in a way which identifies — and , in so doing , promotes — genuine quality .
6 And then there is this long-standing relationship between Martinez and Jefferson , and the dirty work they got up to a few years ago .
7 Morag and Mary were two such women and we never ceased to wonder at the amount of work they got through in a day .
8 And yet , if you join those two inert things together in the right ratios they go off with a very big bang .
9 In the form in which the principles appear in the Act they relate clearly to a version which was included in the Council of Europe Convention of 1981 .
10 At one point they met up with a lorry laden with Coke which had been stuck for over three weeks in knee deep mud .
11 They also carried arbalests , huge wicked-looking cross bows , the type used by Genoese ; at our appearance they fanned out into a semicircle .
12 In this a group of friends form a syndicate to create the Hopkin myth , inventing biographical details ( ‘ a near genius living in the country with a romantic proletarian background , possibly a dipsomaniac mother and so on ’ ) for a painter who does not exist but whose paintings they churn out in a fashionable style ( ‘ with dots , crescent shapes and bright colours ’ ) and exhibit in a sensational first exhibition .
13 Ron and Pat Woolley , of Rhyl , recently took a huge lorry-load of medical supplies , equipment and clothes to the Klaipicla Children 's Hospital in Lithuania after being shocked by the conditions they found there during a previous visit .
14 After a while they pulled up outside a large concrete hotel , not quite finished , incorporating a long cruelly-lit restaurant , almost empty , which faced the road .
15 At the top they came out into a kind of clearing .
16 The next day they lay up in a cave and managed to distil a small quantity of water which tasted vile .
17 To this day they live on as a nomadic people wandering in the wildernesses of northern Ulthuan and ranging across Cothique , Tiranoc and Chrace in small , fierce bands .
18 To this day they live on as a nomadic people wandering in the wildernesses of northern Ulthuan and ranging across Cothique , Tiranoc and Chrace in small , fierce bands .
19 And if had n't of got on the phone and sort of made a song and dance about it , and told one or two things , and said one or two things they come up with a bit more money , but again you have to lie through your teeth to get back what you 're really entitled to !
20 For the last few hundred yards they trundled slowly behind a cab .
21 Early on an August Saturday morning they set off at a great pace on the west side of the reservoir with the intention of following the ten mile bridleway right round the reservoir to a pub , where they planned to arrive two hours after opening time .
22 From the library they staggered forth with a querulous shout of " Yah , Boney ! "
23 On several occasions Charlotte detected a frisson of mutual resentment between the two , though for the most part they functioned adequately as a partnership .
24 This function they performed only in a limited and highly conservative way ; but there was hardly any other institution in France which could perform it at all .
25 And having made their decision they set out with a will to forge a network of rough roads through this wilderness that would link the stockades of wire .
26 It is true that on their horses and with their arms they looked well at a review ; but they knew nothing of war . ’
27 In a temple courtyard they came unexpectedly upon a troupe of imperial singers and dancers rehearsing a performance ; garbed in dazzling costumes of gold , red , green and turquoise , the expressionless boys and girls were indistinguishable from one another in their close-fitting bonnets as they performed the mannered steps of a delicate oriental dance to the plaintive .
28 On the fourth evening of their waterborne journey they tied up at a place which had thickets of hazel and birch growing near the water .
29 Before the members of the cast separated to check out of their lodgings on that last night of the provincial tour before moving in for a run at a West End theatre they got together for a few drinks on stage .
30 At the end they look forward to a married life together in a world diminished by the events of the play .
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