Example sentences of "[noun] are [adj] in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although the rebels ' demands for personal freedom are conspicuous in the chronicles , this can hardly have been the main motive of the Kentishmen , one of the most prominent groups among the peasants , because in Kent there was no serfdom .
2 the fact that scientific method , in the sense of a critical and sceptical approach to enquiry and a readiness to test hypotheses , enters at many points into so-called arts subjects , and that equally the spirit of speculative enquiry , the exercise of creative imagination and the capacity for making value judgments are important in the activities of the scientist and technologist .
3 Nor can it cope with the more general interdisciplinary and modular patterns which have emerged in the last two decades ; and it is university-biased in its assumption that the basic academic unit is the subject-department , whereas composite departments offering broader programmes of study are common in the polytechnics and colleges .
4 ( e ) An immediate environment in which , during the past years , three murders have actually taken place , where prostitution , larceny and violence are commonplace in the lives of many of the children and where the hangings that take place at Pentonville Prison periodically create deep disquiet in the minds of all our children .
5 Service of an originating process out of England and Wales is permissible without the leave of the court provided that each claim made is either : ( 1 ) a claim which , by virtue of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , the court has power to hear and determine , made in proceedings to which the following conditions apply : ( a ) no proceedings between the parties concerning the same cause of action are pending in the courts of any other part of the United Kingdom or of any other Convention territory , and ( b ) either : ( i ) the defendant is domiciled in any part of the United Kingdom or in any other Convention territory , or the proceedings begun by the originating process are proceedings to which art 16 of Sched 1 or of Sched 4 to the 1982 Act refer , or ( ii ) the defendant is a party to an agreement conferring jurisdiction to which art 17 of the said Sched 1 or Sched 4 applies .
6 These tensions behind the law of manslaughter are evident in the decisions of the courts during this century , many of which have narrowed the offence , but some of which have extended it .
7 We must eliminate any sources of broadening contributed by the instrument or sample , to ensure that narrow peaks rather than broad bands are present in the spectra .
8 Although their ancestors are native to the soft , acid waters of the Amazon , commercially available fish are happy in the conditions of most community tanks , and if yours were locally bred they are probably used to your tap water .
9 — Provided they are kept on a lead at all times , dogs are welcome in the grounds but are not allowed in The Bird Garden .
10 Late snow beds are rare in the hills , though limited areas may survive on screes in north-facing corries which receive no winter sun and relatively little summer sun .
11 Both these lights are operative in the writings of the mystics as means by which man sees his own true nature and in doing so also a reflection of God ; it is a state in which they feel themselves to be most fully alive .
12 Though conditions are poor in the towns , poverty is not as great as in rural areas .
13 Because food resources are scarce in the depths , animals are correspondingly thin on the ground .
14 Small families are commonest in the cities .
15 when normal individuals show an inability to learn in school , yet are perfectly capable of learning in other situations , one should be driven to consider what aspects of the society are creating negative attitudes to schools and whether changes are necessary in the schools themselves .
16 As a consequence , such agencies are selective in the cases they will represent .
17 Much will depend upon the degree to which divisional/ SBU ROI figures are important in the managers ' reward system .
18 Shadows are soft in the streetlamps .
19 ‘ I do n't think people are interested in the Krays anymore . ’
20 Of the 183 cones in our sample of intact retinal patches , long-wave , middle-wave and short-wave cones are present in the ratios 86:92:5 ( 47% , 50% , 3% ) .
21 These members are interested in the issues , in extracting information from the government , in finding out precisely what is being planned , how policies are to be applied and whether the machinery of government is working well .
22 The biologists and applied scientists are involved in the schemes in that they also are part of the resource that one would consider in the university to give talks to school children .
23 I have heard it denied that the candles — different candles — glimmer for every child when he or she reaches the age of three or four , but of course that denial is nonsense ; simply , most children are asleep in the depths of the night when the candles shine out .
24 Much clearer signs of corruption are apparent in the officials of the Council in the Marches .
25 Loan repayments are due in the currencies in which they are made .
26 Such marriages are frequent in the villages .
27 Similar trends are apparent in the plots of proximal against distal limb elements in Fig. 3.9 .
28 But such trends are clearer in the minds of men than they are in the rocks .
29 Similar trends are evident in the economies of Japan , Canada and the United States which indicate that labour has shifted out of the primary sector into the service sector prior to or in parallel with the expansion of the manufacturing sector ( Singelmann , 1978 ) .
30 In order to demonstrate a connection and to begin to document specific effects it is first necessary to show how the structural conditions of the global system are inherent in the ways in which the communications TNCs operate .
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