Example sentences of "[noun] from [adj] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 But after a 7-month-long public inquiry which saw vigourous opposition from green groups to the plan , the Government has backed a recommendation by its Inspector that the bypass should not be built to the east of the city .
2 THE switch from traditional courts to the Perspex fish-tank is not always easily made , and world champion Rodney Martin , of Australia , played patchily on the opening day of the Hi-Tec British Open Championship at Wembley Conference Centre last night .
3 September that , in calculating the transfer of funds from local authorities to the funding councils in recognition of their new responsibilities , the resources attributable to those courses for which the LEAs will continue to be responsible will be left within local authorities ' standard spending assessments .
4 Initiatives such as the ‘ quality alert mechanism , ’ which enables a quick feedback of problem areas from general practitioners to the purchasing agency , also have to be seen as straightforward and practical moves to better enable monitoring of contracts through the year .
5 Starting out to research the topic of women , power and politics , Margaret Stacey and I soon realised that we could rely on little in the way of help from traditional approaches to the study of politics .
6 To give you a better idea of what you 'll be paying for , we put five shoes from leading manufacturers to the test .
7 Approximately three-quarters of this trade consists of deliveries from industrial countries to the Third World .
8 He accepted that the issues which the agreement had sought to address remained as a threat to Canada 's long-term future , but indicated that his government would now switch its central focus from constitutional issues to the need to revitalize the country 's ailing economy .
9 It is clear that Leavis is less concerned with preserving the continuity of Englishness from Anglo-Saxon times to the present than with investing English with a new function , that of fostering within a class of disinterested intellectuals those qualities of wisdom called for by Bickersteth before the war .
10 The sensitivity of platelets from diabetic subjects to the antiaggregatory effects of prostacyclin has been examined in a cross-sectional study using the electronic whole blood platelet aggregometer ( Jones et al , 1985 ) .
11 In other words , if a majority of member states want to adopt a piece of legislation which has the effect of transferring sovereign powers from national governments to the European Community institutions , that is at one and the same time an expression of national interest . ’
12 The Soviet government is being put under intense pressure to revive a scheme to divert water from Siberian rivers to the decimated Aral Sea , in Soviet Central Asia .
13 Probably this situation , and the example of his father , who had risen in the king 's service from humble origins to the earldom of Essex , was the spur to his long career in the royal administration .
14 Since this is a purely morphological description it can embrace all stages in development from compacted 8-cells to the 16- to 32-cell stage just prior to blastocoel formation .
15 An introduction to a wide-ranging survey of Western Art from Roman times to the present .
16 Perhaps EGF is stored in the endothelial cells of the normal mucosa and when inflamation develops is rapidly utilised to stimulate cell proliferation because EGF is cruicial for the change from quiescent cells to the S phase of the proliferative cycle .
17 The performing arts ( including cinema ) receive particular attention , as also contemporary Chinese literature and the development of popular fiction from medieval times to the present .
18 Covering artists from Byzantine times to the nineteenth century , it should allow scholars to establish underdrawing styles for individual painters .
19 Transferring the files from floppy disks to the hard disk ( which may also involve unpacking them ) .
20 All we would do is transfer people from rural districts to the ranks of the unemployed in urban ones .
21 In the event of the contractor failing to provide the necessary proof of payment where he is able to do so , the employer has the right to pay the subcontractor direct and deduct the equivalent sums from other payments to the contractor .
22 Eliot 's creation story , in thin verse , presents the movement from savage religions to the proper religion of his City .
23 The calibre of Japanese colonial officials was competent in the main and was explicable through the transfer of bureaucrats from Japanese ministries to the colonies .
24 The original aim was to establish a collection of graphic material illustrating the development of theatre from primitive days to the modern period .
25 Not just fiction but the definitive reference books on a wide range of interests from Current Issues to the Arts .
26 They range in size from microscopic flatworms to the giant squid and by the process of evolution over the past hundreds of millions of years , have adapted an amazing variety of different ways of perpetuating their own kind .
27 It investigates phenomena which range in size from subatomic particles to the universe itself .
28 Recently opened at the Museum of London 's Treasury is ‘ Treasures & Trinkets ’ — jewellery from pre-Roman times to the 1930s .
29 Innovations in this area could lead to a positive flow of information from developing countries to the North .
30 Carnivores feed on other carnivores ( which make up 10 percent of the diet of the leopard , for example ) , scavengers feed on the dead carcases of all kinds of animal , and most important , the decomposing fungi and bacteria return the nutrients from dead bodies to the soil , from whence they can be re-used by plants .
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