Example sentences of "[noun] from [adj] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 All too frequently , as well , cemeteries have been examined in isolation from other components of the plan .
2 It is true to say that the ‘ reforms ’ have been taking place along several different tracks at the same time , and it would be simplistic to suppose that the single element called ‘ case management ’ could or should be expected to ‘ make the difference ’ in isolation from other aspects of the reforms .
3 Although Hoyle 's model can be criticised on the grounds that the ideal types do not exist , or that many teachers exhibit characteristics from both sides of the model , it nevertheless exposes crucial aspects of the relationships between teachers and the organisations in which they work when used in the heuristic format for which it was intended .
4 About 100 fans from two sections of the ground allocated to away fans ran on to the pitch after Cardiff took a 2–1 lead .
5 Their fantastic 1971 antiinternment chart buster ‘ The Men Behind The Wire ’ united pop fans from both parts of the sectarian divide ( except for some meanspirited Protestants ) and gave militant Republicanism it 's first number one hit single .
6 Thousands of foreigners from all parts of the world were so concerned about events in Spain that they actually went there to fight in the war , many of them never to return .
7 Franchised distribution channels also effectively exclude many UK manufacturers from large sections of the replacement parts markets .
8 It is perhaps surprising that plant tissues contain substances which affect animals , but plants have always been a useful source of drugs , and indigenous remedies from all parts of the world were studied when research interests expanded after 1945 .
9 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
10 ‘ I propose that we banish the two O'Malley brothers from this part of the country for good , ’ Tim Skerritt said .
11 As for the Hooligans , newspaper cartoonists ' sketches of their dress permutation depicted a more sharply defined style than anything that can be discerned by modern eyes from surviving photographs of the period — although that should not surprise us , because it is also a characteristic feature of the emphasis given to the cut of clothes within ‘ high ’ fashion sketches .
12 In recent years , it has supplemented its news service with training schemes for journalists from all regions of the world .
13 But in order to pay for this , I have had to raise revenue from other sectors of the economy . ’
14 Again , despite widespread opposition from many sections of the community , the clause became part of the final legislation .
15 Not without opposition from other sections of the bureaucracy especially those.in Finance ministries , MITI argued that long-term self-reliance for Japan would be delayed or even undermined by following its apparent comparative advantage into labour intensive sectors .
16 This gesture also served to indicate that he was still in charge , for the event was held in the face of opposition from other sectors of the regime , who considered it " madness to give this sensation of revitalization of the Falange " .
17 Observers suggested that a programme of negotiated , " rolling reforms " would now ensue , probably over a considerable period of time , and that de Klerk would face strong opposition from some elements of the white electorate who sought to maintain protected political rights for the white minority .
18 Barrett 's oesophagus was defined as any columnar epithelium of the specialised ( intestinal ) type , with or without oesophagitis , obtained by biopsy from any level of the tubular oesophagus .
19 Decentralisation has supporters from all parts of the political spectrum .
20 Our directorate of Computing and Telecommunications is establishing British Library Network Services in pursuit of the ambitious ultimate aim ‘ to be able to supply to the remote user text , sound or visual images from all parts of the collection …
21 It seems possible that people located hostility in groups because they knew that the others , their opponents , would expect reprisals from any members of the group they opposed .
22 Here we test these models with palaeomagnetic data from undeformed portions of the South Mountains , a typical Cenozoic MCC in the southern Basin and Range province .
23 The data from this part of the experiment will not be described in this thesis .
24 They had descended on the former Jesuit college from all corners of the world representing a variety of organisations from the International Labour Organisation , through the Congress of South African Trades Unions , to the Asian Center for the Progress of Peoples , the cross-border American wo-men 's organisation Mujer á Mujer , and the London Hazards Centre .
25 It was the , the British Corpus asked us if we would be willing to record the last council meeting , because they wanted to , erm , get dialects and accents and use of words from different parts of the country , and they were so enthralled by our display , they 've asked for a further two meetings .
26 During this festive season , the population of the island is swollen with Madeirans returning home for their festivities from all parts of the globe , as well as a vast influx of tourists .
27 Officials said the Prime Minister wanted to ‘ unlock talent from all parts of the party ’ in completing the reshaping of his administration .
28 Manchester , with colleagues Bruce Peterson and Pat Wallis , has now switched to the nearby Anglo-Australian optical telescope to look for pulses of light from this region of the sky .
29 Initially pupils often find it far easier to compare a past picture and a present picture than to compare two pictures from different periods of the past .
30 The directors even labelled one of the rival designs from another part of the Ford empire as a great concept for an Alpha Romeo .
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