Example sentences of "[noun] from [noun] [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My parents had rented a cottage on a farm at Backakeldy , ten miles south from Kirkwall overlooking the sea on the eastern shores of Scapa Flow .
2 The liberal vote there almost collapsed to nothing erm while the liberals obviously voted labour tactically in order to prevent the Conservatives from A grabbing the ward , and B erm removing the leader of the council which would have been , which is what they were obviously angling for .
3 Thousands of fish and other wildlife have died in the immediate vicinity of the project , water levels downstream have fallen by several metres , and water shortages have been reported Budapest and other cities along the Danube ( which receive most of their drinking water from wells bordering the river ) .
4 Plenty of motor cars went in and out through the Pembroke and Gillingham Gates but it has not been suggested that there was any real night-time disturbance from traffic using the dockyard .
5 A stone mould from Sitia combining the cross , the wheel and the flaring sun-disc all in one symbol tends to confirm this ( title illustration , Chapter 1 ) .
6 Scottish visitors did well with Willie Sloan from Irvine taking the award for the best overseas angler .
7 ( iii ) freedom from substances affecting the textile processes , such as iron , manganese , calcium or magnesium salts , and heavy metals ;
8 Police have recently been receiving an increasing number of calls from householders reporting the theft of ‘ wheelie bins ’ .
9 The ballot initiative , which limited State Assembly members to three two-year terms and state senators and most statewide elected officials to two four-year terms from 1991 onwards , was ruled a valid protection " against an entrenched dynastic legislative bureaucracy " ; the court rejected arguments from attorneys representing the legislature 's Democratic leadership that a legislator 's right to run for office and a voter 's right to choose a candidate would be unconstitutionally restricted .
10 Fernando Collor de Mello , 43 , on the same day signed a notice from the Senate , thereby formally acknowledging his 180-day suspension from office following the Chamber of Deputies vote on Sept. 29 to impeach him on corruption charges [ see p. 39079 ] .
11 And the referee John Kirby from Sheffield starting the game and that 's earlier than he should have done .
12 A text message , passed to LIFESPAN users from LIFESPAN reporting the result of background activities , or from other LIFESPAN users .
13 The West Indies selectors have been accused of bias against players from Barbados following the announcement of their Test team .
14 But whereas the faces all around were pale , or a smooth golden bronze from holidays chasing the winter sun , his was ruddy , weathered , the creases radiating from the eyes suggesting a life soaking up the glare of the sun and wind .
15 The alternative , and orthodox view , sees the damage as resulting from invasions from Scotland following the withdrawal of the garrisons by the governor of Britain and usurper emperor , Clodius Albinus , in AD Fig. 7 .
16 Ahlswede and Evens [ 1988 ] have investigated techniques for extracting information from MRDs using the concept of a defining formula .
17 According to Jackson , the editor must have disclosed Freeman 's name , ‘ for a day or two later appeared a raving letter from Freeman accusing the editor of breach of confidence , abusing Ruskin and all his works and scorning his offer of intimacy ’ .
18 We have received a letter from PPL exempting the Society 's teachers from the need to pay any licence fees in view of our piano accompaniment , educational nature and work with the disabled .
19 On Oct. 14 it was reported that a UN investigating team had flown into southern Sudan from Nairobi following the murder of a UN official and a Norwegian journalist ; two other UN staff members were missing .
20 A railcoach from Bispham nearing the end of its journey to the Airport at Squires Gate in 1960 .
21 A few weeks later there appeared a letter to the then prestigious Pall Mall Gazette from Sickert praising the move because there are more clothed than naked people in the world , they display a greater variety of shapes and colours , drawing or painting them does not require the high temperature ‘ which is extremely injurious to young people , and to women of whom the classes largely consist ’ and , most piquantly , because ‘ the absence of the nude model will eliminate a certain number of students who are drawn by mere curiosity . ’
22 The harpies from Paris running the road houses which must inevitably multiply will be a worse scourge than the mosquitoes .
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