Example sentences of "[noun] but a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The result was not so much the realization of Ashley 's vision of national regeneration but a growing acceptance by those holding high office of the need to subscribe publicly to an upright moral code .
2 We have the ability to heal , probably an inferior process to regeneration but a vital feature in preservation of life .
3 Tyroglyphus , harmless to the vine but a deadly enemy of Phylloxera vastatrix , was imported in 1873 in an attempt to kill off the pest ; unfortunately , however , unlike phylloxera , Tyroglyphus did not care for the European climate and failed to settle .
4 Herbert , who had no colour prejudice but a careful attitude about money , was proud of his reply : ‘ My dear sir , this is a legal office , not a money-lending office . ’
5 It is one of the very few search firms whose results are published in Kompass , which reveals not only the firm 's rapid rise in turnover but a striking rate of return on capital employed , indicating the potentially very profitable nature of the headhunting business .
6 Ahlbrandt found a strong attachment to the neighbourhood but a low percentage of residents ( 57 per cent ) expressing a feeling that East Allegheny was a good or excellent place in which to live .
7 According to a government minister at the time , the act recognized that the railways ‘ are not a normal nationalized industry but a unique type of public corporation which exists to service social and environmental purposes as well as the economic needs ’ ( Hansard , 24 June 1974 ) .
8 That would not merely be a breach of established practice but a fundamental failure of justice .
9 We then left Gt Yarmouth for another attempt at a passage northward and found less wind but a nasty swell outside the harbour .
10 Kahlo 's naked body becomes not just the tortured self of her personal biography but a visual counterpart to the injured and defiled manifestations of Mexico 's colonised past : La Llorona ‘ the weeping woman ’ of popular myth and La Chingada , the raped and abused mother described in Paz 's The Labyrinth of Solitude .
11 Current evidence indicates that matrix is not merely a simple scaffolding but a dynamic modulator of cell phenotype and behaviour .
12 He is admiring of the soldiers ' courage but not persuaded by their beliefs : training people to sacrifice themselves produces not altruism but a fascinated following of others to death not so much to help but merely to follow ( p. 88 ) .
13 We fully realise the problems that can arise from buying a secondhand vehicle but a new minibus with facilities for helping the disabled would cost £16,000 .
14 We did not make it clear that the table showed not the banks ' actual ratios but a hypothetical estimate of what they would have been had the banks not borrowed subordinated loans to boost their capital ( as Japan 's finance ministry let them do after June ) .
15 Does the Minister agree that to increase income from patients excluded from free treatment is not only an abuse of the founding principles of the NHS but a classic illustration of the two-tier health service that his Government are introducing ?
16 They had slightly the better of the first half but a poor pass to Sleightholme lost one chance and then Sleightholme could not touch down a useful kick by Maynard , Stabler getting there first .
17 The answer seems to be that the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics means that there is not just a single history for the universe but a whole family of possible histories .
18 Enthoven 's solution was not just better and stronger management but a structural separation of roles .
19 The lawyer , the printing works foreman , and Beryl had each of them offered facets of the old man 's character which suggested not only a cynical vein of humour and a streak of malice but a disdainful attitude to at least some of those closest to him .
20 ‘ it is not the great mass of publications ( each constituting but a minor increment to the sum of human knowledge ) which contribute most to scientific progress , but a small number of key papers , each of which has a very great impact on the advance of knowledge … only a very few elite scientists produce work that becomes the base for future discoveries . ’
21 The SOED mainly funds research which is related to Government policy concerns but a small proportion of the budget is reserved to fund ideas which come from the research community .
22 Week 4 : 1½ pounds gone and another ¼ inch from my bust and waist but a whole inch off my hips .
23 There is no net increase in the number of elements activated by a given stimulus but the circles have been moved apart , indicating not only an increase in the number of unique elements activated by a stimulus but a corresponding decrease in the number of common elements activated .
24 Now no longer just a colourful first lady but a full participant in politics , Mrs Ozal is forcing not only the Motherland Party but her husband to declare where they stand .
25 There appears to be no time-limit on the matters to be considered , so that not only the final act but a whole course of conduct may be taken into account .
26 As for the internal auditors ' role , ‘ they 're not expected to do a full statutory audit but a great deal of the detailed work which , carried out on a continuous basis , would greatly increase the probability of detecting fraud . ’
27 Efforts should be made to preserve not just the facades but a substantial part of the interior as well , and possibly the whole building .
28 Income under the category of Public Policy has increased to £173,141 but a sizeable element of this relates to a number of projects associated with the Council 's Diamond Jubilee Year and will not necessarily be repeated in the year ahead .
29 Roos itself is far from any risk of erosion but a private garden in the village contains a sad relic : the rebuilt east windows of the church of Owthorne , one of many coastal parishes swept away over the centuries .
30 North Staffs are continuing their search for a mainline diesel but a recent visit to MC Metals in Glasgow to examine their ‘ Peaks ’ found a disappointing collection of cannibalised , sorry looking , Sulzers .
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