Example sentences of "[noun] but i [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember now you say hypnotist but I ca n't remember what happened in the programme but I can remember him .
2 I know that Eric was interested in seeing a panzer division on the move and being so close to the enemy but I could see him getting paler and paler , probably at the thought of what would happen if we were stopped .
3 It has already become fashionable to knock Kylie Minogue but I can take it , ’ she added .
4 months but I 'll work it out
5 As a result of that , and I think to make sure this is something we would have to ask the advisory committee but I would read it that that includes mutual recognition of eldership .
6 It 's bound to improve the quantity but I would suggest it will also improve , improve quality and care that we 're providing .
7 I can not remember my first day hunting but I can tell you a normal day of all-day hunting .
8 Well in that case I would n't put him on er on a job that was made out on site but I would keep him in the
9 They probably have three riders on call in case one goes sick or gets delayed or is already on a job but I 'll bet they never deal with more than two companies at a time .
10 He said : ‘ I have never seen Downey 's picture but I would think I may know him .
11 I am not concerned in what the next man thinks and does , that is his business but I must do what my own conscience dictates .
12 ‘ I 'll probably just earn another kick in the teeth but I 'll do it none the less . ’
13 I was just gon na say you got a purple tint in your hair but I can see what it is now !
14 I do n't know Norman 's reaction to Fergie 's story but I can say they have left me with a bitter feeling .
15 I appreciate that you might recently have sent information on your sponsorship opportunities to the Advisory Service on the old-style pink forms but I would ask you to provide the information again on the new form .
16 I had n't amended that bit but I 'll amend it and sta and write up proper .
17 I 'm a very careful driver but I will admit I do n't like men getting away first at the lights
18 I should have to get other opinions but I 'd guess they would fetch a good deal of money at auction .
19 As Branch Manager Ian Davies said ( speaking as a confirming bachelor ) ‘ five good men have bitten the dust ; normally men of sound judgement but I will forgive them this one mistake ! ’
20 I do n't know her name but I can remember him saying it .
21 ‘ Your Grace , I ask your indulgence but I would like us to perform a small mummer 's play , a useful introduction to what we are about to declare . ’
22 I wish my father had left a description of his encounter with Balcha but I can find none in his letters or despatches .
23 It 's probably one that picks up conversations in the room as well as just on the phone but I can show it to the boys at — ’
24 He let us off he said you two are supposed to get a late mark but I 'll let you off this time three and we 've got a detention .
25 The world does funny things but I can tell you that 's the furthest thing from my mind at this point in time .
26 He will certainly be out for the rest of this season but I 'd hope he 'll be back for the start of next season if all goes well . ’
27 fucking laugh , so I said to her no I said it is this week Julie I said and it 's towards the end of the week but I 'll ring you by the weekend and let you know , well of course come the Thursday morning I have n't seen Val , and I was ever so upset because it really the end of the line money wise , I could n't do any more
28 And he went to the doctor and the doctor said well you have n't got anything wrong with your skull but I 'll take your blood pressure .
29 It had never really occurred to me to put things in those terms but I can see what he meant and to an extent he was partly right .
30 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
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