Example sentences of "[noun] 's [noun sg] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Hello ! readers with knobs on , they can tell you the length of Emperor Hirohito 's reign down to the second .
2 Seated on one stool by the wall of the hut , with her foot resting on another , Paige stared gloomily at Travis 's figure down by the water 's edge .
3 But this does not go far enough for us and er shortly we will be moving another amendment which will take the council 's budget down to the standard spending assessment and I will speak to that er when I come to move that amendment .
4 I want you to drive me from King 's Cross down to the cottage , right ?
5 The man tugged harder , using his immense strength to force Connelly 's hand down towards the large ring .
6 The old man had disappeared outside again without a word , having set Theda 's portmanteau down in the wide hall .
7 Each carries the red rose of Lancaster in its claw and , beside its beak , the words ‘ por bem ’ , which are intended to signify the king 's blamelessness down through the ages .
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