Example sentences of "[noun] he was [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The European he was said to be the most fond of as Princess Maria Gabriella de Savoia , but her father , the former King Umberto of Italy , would have insisted on a Catholic wedding .
2 He had uttered more words of advice to them than to the girl he was meant to be treating .
3 As a leading man in films he was expected to be nothing other than purely masculine .
4 Probably because for a while he was meant to be a wild child around the Hollywood hills .
5 Last night he was said to be comfortable .
6 Mr Morton was rushed to Middlesbrough General Hospital 's burns unit where last night he was said to be comfortable ’ .
7 Last night he was said to be comfortable in the West Highland Hospital , Oban .
8 My father was obviously enjoying the company of the Masons ; like most people he was gratified to be seen with a well-known golfer and to be ever-so-slightly in the spotlight .
9 As a Governor he was expected to be continually generous , and it seemed he was always having to spend more money than he could afford .
10 By the high-priestly families of Jerusalem he was felt to be a threat both to their authority and to their political collaboration with the Roman power .
11 Until March he was assumed to be a reliable , if conservative , servant of the president .
12 On the contrary he was taken to be something of a maverick and flutterer of dovecotes .
13 Attlee , an astute judge of men , banked on Mountbatten 's ambition to provide an adequate counterweight to his proclivity for risk , and in this judgement he was proved to be correct .
14 Before the burglary he was said to be in good health .
15 The people at the farm he was hired to were very sympathetic but he still had all his work to do before he could get away .
16 During his time at York he was invited to be the visitor of the House of the Resurrection at Mirfield in Yorkshire , the community of priests founded at the end of the last century by Charles Gore .
17 On 6 April 1990 he returned to this country , but at Dover he was found to be in possession of cannabis and was arrested .
18 It was customary for boxers to box frequently , and Lynch had twenty-five contests in his twentieth year , by which time he was acknowledged to be the best ‘ wee ’ man in Glasgow .
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