Example sentences of "[noun] with [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 LAGAN Valley Hospital can nearly double its workload with only a slight increase in costs , a public meeting has heard .
2 LAGAN Valley Hospital can nearly double its workload with only a slight increase in costs , a public meeting was told today .
3 Temperatures will hover around eight to ten degrees celsius , that s forty six to fifty fahrenheit with only a moderate breeze .
4 The disk is round , diameter up to 19.5 mm ; covered by a dense coating of long rugose spinelets with basically a trifid crown .
5 All her life had been spent surrounded by grimy bricks with hardly a green grass blade in sight .
6 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
7 Right , well I work in quite a number of Community Centres across the City , and Northway Community Centre which has a bar with quite a large turnover , a lot of members , er has agreed to host this project for the week , which is promoting healthier drinking .
8 Journalists must be told that this is a speculative lunch with only a small information content and that the general intent is to discuss the subject in broad terms with the injection of a few ideas from the PROs .
9 In March or April the flocks take on an even whiter appearance as the males moult into ‘ whiter than white ’ plumage with only a black mantle .
10 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
11 In therapeutic doses ( up to 4 g a day ) paracetamol undergoes glucuronidation and sulphation in the liver with only a small amount being metabolised by cytochromes to the toxic metabolite N -acetyl- p -benzoquinone imine , which is inactivated by hepatic glutathione .
12 In tiny flats and bedsitters it 's more often the living room that has to make space for dining , in which case it 's a good idea to separate the two functions with either a physical division — like an arch , trellis or shelving — or with visual treatment like different lighting or flooring , or perhaps a change of colour or mood created by wall coverings and soft furnishings .
13 A typical training programme usually takes the form of a series of workshops , sometimes in a residential setting , lasting around three days with perhaps a follow-up day a few months later .
14 ‘ But Woil ! ’ said Kraal with just a little admiration in his voice .
15 ‘ Where will our exporters be if one day the foreign shipowners find it cheaper only to call in Rotterdam with just a few feeder services to this country ? ’
16 The stop is a small burrow with only a single entrance .
17 ‘ This evening happened to be a mixing of some particularly important business with just a little pleasure .
18 Sir Adrian Cadbury is not one of those who subscribes to the popular theory that a truly professional manager can take over the helm of any type of business with only a superficial knowledge of the nuts and bolts .
19 I was at the Stanley Spencer exhibition in London earlier in the year , and there was one canvas with just a tiny bit started , the whole thing pencilled in .
20 Feeling grubby , and , she had to admit , starving hungry , and not at all liking the idea of hiding in her room with only a rumbling tummy for company , she had a quick wash , then changed into clean clothes .
21 ‘ Did you now ? ’ said Hilary , coming in to the sick bay , which was really no more than a scruffy little room with only a slight hospital smell about it to bespeak its function .
22 Then think of all the sounds that could be " suspect " with this sound , i.e. all the sounds that could vary from this sound with just a slight change of some of these features .
23 In effect this is already starting to happen through television concentration on a few top clubs with only a brief nod in the direction of the rest .
24 So Sussex is a university with quite a high status in terms of science .
25 This predicted 91% of fetuses who became distressed in the first stage of labour , and combination with ultrasonographic estimation of the volume of amniotic fluid improved prediction to 100% with only a slight fall in specificity .
26 I gave him a smile with perhaps a little cruelty at its edges .
27 She had thought of it as the happiest day of her life , a day with only a small shadow upon it , an insignificant wisp of fear , nothing to disturb the joy .
28 In the test the boiling times and fuel-life figures for each stove were taken on a mild summer 's day with only a light breeze .
29 the relatively isolated elderly person with only a moderate degree of dependency , suffering from a non-psychotic psychiatric disorder .
30 Given the right resources and planning , the King 's Cross project in association with Thameslink 2000 will improve rail links between Kent , Sussex and Hampshire and the north-east of England and will allow travellers from one region to visit the other with only a single change at King 's Cross .
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