Example sentences of "[noun] with [art] [noun pl] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 While the major policy-making and orientation roles rested with the members of the Council and its multiplicity of committees , the search for promotional roles in association with the institutions was inevitably a key part of the activities we have seen the CNAA 's officers playing .
2 FORMER EC Gatt negotiator Ray MacSharry yesterday insisted a trade deal with the Americans was still on course .
3 The CNAA 's procedures , its concern with the total academic environment in which its courses were offered , had led it — at a time when its relationships with the institutions were under intensive discussion — to a position in which it could directly influence the management and operation of an institution where it perceived weaknesses , as well as the institution 's own relationships with governors and the local authority .
4 The trick with the watches was more than a technical stunt , it actually worked in the context of the piece , sucking the audience even further into the spell .
5 To study one sub-system in detail without regard to interactions with the others is usually inadequate , but on the other hand , to try to examine simultaneously the whole complex of sub-systems is to invite disorientation .
6 Having chosen the frame , I wanted a plain light background that would clearly show off the design , so I used a fairly heavy cream fabric — very often I avoid white backgrounds as the contrast with the flowers is too stark and harsh .
7 The relationship with the parents is usually angry and negative in quality ( Egan et al .
8 Mrs Joiner 's relationship with the children was very pleasant and she remained remarkably encouraging when they were a little restless .
9 ‘ His relationship with the fans was quite remarkable , which speaks volumes for his charismatic personality and probably speaks even greater volumes for their generosity and warmth .
10 There is an important point here : ancient accounts of Greek relations with Carthage often treat her as a barbarian power whose dealings with the Greeks were uniformly hostile .
11 Even if the media did inflate the ‘ winter of discontent ’ , even if Callaghan was unlucky when the Scottish National Party chose to commit political suicide in revenge for the failure of Labour 's devolution proposals , by supporting the Tories ' ‘ no confidence ’ motion in the Commons , Callaghan 's procrastination and the effects of his autocratic dealings with the unions were surely the main factors weakening the credibility of Labour between 1978 and 79 .
12 England played a fine open game with the backs being absolutely tremendous .
13 ‘ The whole incident with the tablets was just a nightmare so we have decided to put it behind us and continue our lives , ’ said Mrs Johnson .
14 But er the timing with the doors is very good , I thought !
15 If they get in if they start getting in the way the best thing to do is just let them relax to the side and try and forget about them , I know it 's difficult to forget about them but just to the conscious effort with the hands is just to put them at the side .
16 The subsequent familiarity with the problems is often welcome by the patient .
17 One had greater faith on the day that one would be assured of their support — and incidentally the negotiations with the banks were fairly difficult .
18 Negotiations with the unions are just beginning as to how the blow will fall .
19 His popularity with the galleries was quite remarkable .
20 As many of the battles with the Hunters were either fought on inhospitable and barren asteroids or in the upper atmospheres of colonial planets , both pieces of knowledge were essential for survival .
21 Press interviews with the rugger-buggers are almost a contradiction in terms — even the official , collective , post-match post-mortems after home internationals , down in the bowels of Twickenham or Cardiff , say .
22 Press interviews with the rugger-buggers are almost a contradiction in terms — even the official , collective , post-match post-mortems after home internationals , down in the bowels of Twickenham or Cardiff , say .
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