Example sentences of "[noun] that she [modal v] [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 When he 'd left her at the entrance to Newcastle Place the day Pa died she 'd ached with disappointment that she might never see him again .
2 The pain would return , she knew , cruel and cutting , but pride and hurt meant little compared to the fear that she might never see fitzAlan again .
3 The previous evening they had insisted on taking her to the cinema , ignoring her protests that she would rather see the Molière play at the Comédie Française , to watch Jacques Prévert 's film Les Enfants du Paradis .
4 Despite the anger and the violence , the sorrow and the hopelessness , Cassie found that she could not contemplate the thought that she would never see Johnny again .
5 She also knew there was a possibility that she would never see him alive again .
6 It had started when they discovered she was meeting Rob , and they had asked for her promise that she would never see him again .
7 The sun would still rise and still set regardless of the fact that she would never see him again .
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