Example sentences of "[noun] that they be [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clasper screamed back at the chanting mob that they were management lackeys who had been conned by Peters , and sold down the river by Bunker .
2 ‘ They thought it was a huge joke that they were IRA sympathisers working inside the Palace grounds . ’
3 As far as sentencing is concerned it would seem to be the case that long-firm fraudsters are sentenced on the basis that they are business law-breakers rather than ‘ villains ’ .
4 The charge that they were World Champions by default clearly rankled with the Wallabies .
5 Many would take grave exception to the suggestion that they are problem drinkers , yet the volume of alcohol they consume at home can be far above recommended safe levels .
6 Here hundreds of birds were wheeling and soaring and we realised with excitement that they were frigate birds .
7 Peter Donaldson said that quite a few people came into his shop and tried to exchange Dillons vouchers under the misapprehension that they were Book Tokens .
8 Mr Fowler added that in the Government 's even-handed approach to employment , people would have the right to belong to a union and could not be excluded from a job on the grounds that they were trade unionists .
9 I mean the fact that they 're peasants means that , you know , they 're not worth much
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