Example sentences of "[noun] that it be [adv] their " in BNC.

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1 In fact this put severe restrictions on the committee 's deliberations , and the chairman repeatedly had to advise counsel for both the GMC and the defence that it was not their function to comment on the relative merits or otherwise of alternative forms of medicine .
2 ‘ Yes , but only on the grounds that it was n't their fault .
3 In many cases teachers have been indoctrinated with the view that it is not their job to encourage competitive sports .
4 This is particularly difficult in view of the fact that it is just their children who are probably far more in need of that grace of God just because of the attitude of their parents , than those of parents who measure up to all the standards that we impose .
5 Well and the fact that it was just their garden , and as far as I can make out it was simply that garden , it would suggest that she 's fallen out with some kids or something like that or somebody and yeah .
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