Example sentences of "[noun] that it [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is in the nature of this kind of programme that it deals with several different topics , so the length of individual items is likely to be good for classroom use .
2 Somehow or other your miond analyzes the light that it receives from these bodies and tells you about them .
3 ‘ Kalli , ’ wrote Denness in his autobiography , ‘ was so angry that he smashed his bat so savagely on the pavilion steps that it broke in two . ’
4 She swung the paddle with such enthusiasm that it landed with mind-boggling force across his fundament , making him yelp and grab the cheeks of his tormented seat with both hands .
5 One of the important characteristics of those moves was the support that it represented for British liberalisation policies .
6 In discussing IT security with a number of organisations , particularly in relation to misuse , it was clear that , in general , the subject lacks the focus that it has in most of the Western World .
7 Why has housing never been a central issue for the women 's liberation movement in Britain , despite the crucial place that it occupies in all our lives ?
8 That can not be said of the SNP , which campaigned with zest and intelligence , and yet finds itself with only the same three seats that it won in 1987 .
9 The technique 's most overt strength centres on the alternative insight that it affords into similar , if not identical , problem areas .
10 The typical duration that it spends in either mode is very long compared with the source period .
11 Yet it is at this point that it comes into sharpest conflict with the cultural and anti-intellectual currents which are rooted in a return to instinctual modes .
12 But the inspectorate is prosecuting to underline the importance that it attaches to nuclear workers following proper procedures .
13 For most of these the use of English presents no problem and the Church does not assume the cultural importance that it has for some of those from ethnic minority cultures who live permanently in Britain .
14 He hit the flaring log such a hefty thwack that it broke in two .
15 Where it ran into the special ceramic-and-leather codpiece that it tailored into most of my tights and leggings , a useful protection in many situations .
16 Always pick a flower on the very day that it comes into full bloom , because the process of ageing takes place very rapidly in flowers , and pressing does not rejuvenate them , but only halts the ageing process at the moment of pressing .
17 The swan became so attached to Sam that it stayed for twelve years .
18 As for Freud , the clitoris continues to be surrounded by the same problems that it held for nineteenth-century medicine .
19 Firstly , the feeling for the tradition is very strong in the village ; secondly , Gawthorpe is an ancient settlement — its history can be traced back to a Viking chief named Gorky and there is evidence that it existed in Roman times ; thirdly , the original custom was to bring in a new May tree each year .
20 This discovery precipitated the Red Lake Gold Rush , and their find became the Howey Gold Mine , the first in the Red Lake district , resulting in Burnt Bay being renamed as Howey Bay , the name that it retains to this day .
21 By 1820 , it was owned and worked by Robert Wight , who continued to manufacture cloth there , the mill becoming known as Wights Mill , a name that it retained for many years .
22 The respondents tried to distinguish the former on what it is submitted is the irrelevant ground that it operated in legal systems , such as the French , in which the criteria for establishing jurisdictional competence did not always guarantee a close connection between the defendant and the forum .
23 The impact that it has on these people particularly as the Chair said , the retained service , can be quite profound because they , unlike the whole time firemen can be catapulted from being a joiner one minute into being a rescue operator the next minute .
24 One thought succeeds only because of the relations that it has to innumerable other potential thoughts .
25 Again very light ‘ rock ’ this time with smoother edges , and natural in the sense that it comes from Icelandic lava flows .
26 Choosing the most appropriate things to eat and in the case of man the most effective materials for tools and weapons is adaptive in the sense that it makes for biological survival : organisms which practise the keenest discrimination flourish at the expense of those less discriminating in their choices .
27 Normally , these bubbles ( or vesicles ) are only a few millimetres across and quite thinly scattered , but sometimes , if the lava has been particularly gas rich , the rock is so honeycombed with large bubbles that it looks like some kinds of Swiss cheese ; more holes than solid .
28 By far the most popular location in recent years has been the Netherlands , for the very good reason that it has for some time offered by far the best deal .
29 Lotus is believed to have devoted $30m over four years developing a database that it cancelled in 1989 — just before it bought a 15% stake in Sybase Inc , sold again in 1992 .
30 Or it may need to employ staff , and a statement that it engages in discriminatory employment practices may potentially affect its ability to attract staff of the right calibre .
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