Example sentences of "[noun] that [is] [adv] being [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is hardly the best example to set to an electorate that is constantly being urged to display pay and other financial restraints .
2 The seats were simple and uncomfortable , the noise intolerable , but it still shaped a disastrous decade of short-term economy stock building that is now being regretted .
3 It is their value judgement that is largely being presented .
4 This tends to make invisible the enormous amount of good co-operative work that is already being done .
5 Scott ( 1987 ) , for example , has examined the impact of more frequent clearance that is now being practised by the Campa Indians in the Gran Pajonal area of central Peru , where primary and secondary forest is interspersed with savanna and grassland .
6 Just as an aside , thi this is an issue that 's currently being grappled with by Litchfield City Council , where the circumstances are erm albeit on a slightly smaller scale similar with with the historic city , and they are commissioning research on this very subject of of service pro provision in in new settlements .
7 Whether they do so deliberately is a question that is still being debated .
8 I think the point has been made er and let me er ask you to correct me if I if you do n't i it 's a fair assessment , the point that 's really being made is there is a judgmental issue here as to whether a surplus arises from over-funding by an employer er substantial investment performance or or effectively unfair claiming between either the deferred pensioners or the pensioners and i it can be that all of those interests have to put into the pot and it 's a judgment as to who actually is doing best in what circumstances .
9 The refusal is apparently based as being unsuitable for the railway and not of an era that is presently being sought .
10 The campaign is an Environment Department initiative that is also being supported by Essex County Council 's property services division .
11 I think , though , what 's very important in that as well is that I know that there are young men in the colleges who are really ashamed of the sort of picture that 's increasingly being presented .
12 Every piece of evidence that I have seen shows that the service that is now being delivered is substantially better than anything that was ever done , not least when we last had a Labour Government in office delivering those services .
13 Ms Redd Harvest has made available to this network a volume of evidence that is still being sifted by our experts .
14 So the total of the four hundred and fifty thousand pounds that is now being requested , it 's three hundred and forty-three forty .
15 One area that is already being studied , with a report due soon , is the overhead situation in higher education institutions ( HEIs ) .
16 Lost innocence , a pattern that 's sadly being repeated across the world 's battle grounds .
17 The music that 's finally being aired , fifty years on .
18 The landscape is like a book that is constantly being edited and rewritten .
19 The amount that is actually being re-used is perhaps rather larger than the public realises : PWMI estimates that 7.6 per cent of the EC 's total plastic waste of 10.7m tonnes is recycled , while the calorific value of a further 12.8 per cent is recovered by using waste as fuel .
20 In general this is the sort of forecast that is currently being made about Western industry .
21 Finally , an interesting possibility that is currently being mooted is the introduction of courses leading to BEd .
22 Welcome to planet Tokyo , New York without the noise , the dirt and the violence , where saying ‘ motherfucker ’ is just another way of denying an indigenous culture that 's slowly being buried ; just another way of saying , ‘ I love Johnny Rotten and Ronald McDonald . ’
23 These results give us some reason to hope that experiments on the extrapolation towards reactor conditions — on the Joint European Torus that is now being completed at Culham , for example — will prove favourable .
24 Somehow working with a young cast in Dublin has brought out the best in Parker as a director to create the film that is already being talked about as the best rock movie in years .
25 If is , furthermore , a con-trick that is increasingly being played on the developing countries ; the third world is a still-growing market for the tobacco industry .
26 It will be interesting to see whether , in the future , the generation that is now being raised on comparatively low salt diets will consider the York ham to be as special as those who now remember it so fondly .
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