Example sentences of "[noun] that [pers pn] [vb base] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The best bit of information you 've got is the syllabus coverage that I 've given you .
2 ‘ All the money that Sheikh Osman has used in the past few weeks in his war against the Copts is money that you have given him . ’
3 This , however , is what we do , together with a big ‘ Thank you ’ for all the news and views that you 've given us in 1991 .
4 But it is not against original over-used phrases that we wish to give you the
5 You have limited er suppliers who you choose er having heard the figures that you 've given us today erm i it seems to me that there is very little control of that expenditure .
6 Er the goods that what , not goods that we want to give them like junk food and ludicrous fashions , to find out what it is that they want this of equipment and no , and do n't forget the know-how , I mean we are , we have a hell of a Know-how in this country which is not being used .
7 We 're so sure about the reliability of our washing machines that we 've given them a full 5-year parts guarantee .
8 Make us more of a church body , Lord , using the gifts that you have given us in service for you and for one another , and learning form one another in humility .
9 I think to be a good teaching aid something has to say ‘ Well I think this because ’ and , as it were , retrace the chain of reasoning that I 've just the sort of chain that I 've given you .
10 Our thoughts are with the circles of family and friends that you have given us , and we pray for those we meet , our neighbours , the people we work with , those we encounter in shops and businesses .
11 That 's an assurance that we 've given them .
12 Try not to click with mouse and type on the keyboard while Windows is frozen because when it comes back it acts on all of the commands that you have given it — so apparently switching from a state of deep sleep to rapid activity that can look like another stage in a serious crash !
13 So know that , if you now refer back to the , the book that I 've given you this morning and if you turn to where it says okay it says stop here do not read on
14 And it will be obvious to the person receiving your letter that you 've given it priority treatment , to ensure a speedy arrival .
15 He , along with the artists , masons , carpenters and other craftsmen frequently permeate their work with signs of a love of the task they have undertaken , which leaves the beholder in no doubt that they have given something of themselves over and above the requirements of loyalty to the paymaster and the desire to enjoy applying their crafts .
16 Let's have a look at the ones that they 've given you .
17 They were standing now , in the as bomb-hit kitchen , Rab and Doctor ; and Doctor — she was taller than him , what with her feather and hat , by a good head — said , ‘ Those pills that I 've given you , take them only as prescribed .
18 First , you must decide on the sort of atmosphere that you wish to give your picture .
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