Example sentences of "[noun] that [pers pn] be [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But any fighter who can convince a man like Futch that he 's championship material does n't need to worry about proving his credentials to lesser figures in boxing .
2 He believed the Prince that it was de Craon who had informed him on the Sunday night but how had the Frenchman known ?
3 A wheezing cough at the other end of the line told Kelly that it was Bob Morrow .
4 Clasper screamed back at the chanting mob that they were management lackeys who had been conned by Peters , and sold down the river by Bunker .
5 ‘ They thought it was a huge joke that they were IRA sympathisers working inside the Palace grounds . ’
6 As far as sentencing is concerned it would seem to be the case that long-firm fraudsters are sentenced on the basis that they are business law-breakers rather than ‘ villains ’ .
7 The charge that they were World Champions by default clearly rankled with the Wallabies .
8 The word came from the dressing room that it was Martin Foyle ; I saw Andy Melville kick it into the net — what did n't I see ?
9 ( She had attacked a man in Aberdeen in the mistaken notion that he was Lloyd George : in fact he was a Baptist minister . )
10 The legend enshrines a popular belief that it was Dom Pérignon who created sparkling wine and invented Champagne as we know it today .
11 ‘ What was required of me was an affidavit from India swearing that I was Samir Mehta and owned Rasiklal & Sons .
12 Mr Lewis apart , however , the other guests , perhaps through awe , perhaps through a sense of antagonism , kept a wary distance from M. Dupont , a fact that was conspicuous even in that generally guarded atmosphere , and which seemed to underline all the more the feeling that it was M. Dupont who somehow held the key to the outcome of the following days .
13 [ Where a person , not appointed as a trustee , ] has received trust property with actual or constructive notice that it is trust property transferred in breach of trust , or because , not being a bona fide purchaser for value without notice , he acquires notice subsequent to such receipt and then deals with the property in a manner inconsistent with the trust , [ he is deemed a constructive trustee . ]
14 It 's not in industrial use if one takes the definition that it 's railway land .
15 So I did n't say , ‘ Okay , I 'm Joe and I can play anything and I 'm going to make sure that everyone knows on every song that I 'm Master Shredder ! ’
16 I knew from the thick fragrance that filled the air that it was Mrs. Constantine .
17 He told Lewis that he was Richard Green , a well known film actor ( which was untrue ) .
18 Three beer-befuddled construction workers played softball with my head in a backstreet on the mistaken assumption that I was Tom Tunney .
19 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
20 Many would take grave exception to the suggestion that they are problem drinkers , yet the volume of alcohol they consume at home can be far above recommended safe levels .
21 ‘ There was a suggestion that it was Alain Gebrec that she saw . ’
22 To judge from the polls , he was failing to persuade voters that he was chancellor material .
23 At Warley the abbot of Halesowen 's rent for the farm of the manor is entered as a separate item , but the identity of the farmer is not revealed ; we may hazard the guess that he was William Hardeley , whose personal estate , amounting to £30 , made him much the wealthiest man in the village .
24 Here hundreds of birds were wheeling and soaring and we realised with excitement that they were frigate birds .
25 Peter Donaldson said that quite a few people came into his shop and tried to exchange Dillons vouchers under the misapprehension that they were Book Tokens .
26 He had no doubt that it was William Joyce .
27 At Streatham and Liverpool in November he made his mark , observed by the Fascist apologist A. K. Chesterton ( cousin of G. K. Chesterton ) who recorded in his own life of Mosley that it was William Joyce who was the ‘ brilliant writer , speaker , and exponent of policy … addressed hundreds of meetings , always at his best , always revealing the iron spirit of Fascism in his refusal to be intimidated by violent opposition . ’
28 The English tradition that it is tor Parliament to do the taxing is so deep-seated that the court would probably assert a legal presumption , as a matter of statute interpretation , that powers of taxation are not included in a statutory delegation of power unless clear words are used , and that a general formula like that in the statute stated in the question is not sufficient . ’
29 She was n't quite sure why the possibility that it was Luke Hunter who had sent her the flowers was so disturbing …
30 There was even the possibility that it was Mademoiselle V rather than Madame .
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