Example sentences of "[noun] that [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When in April 1949 Mary Trevelyan had written a letter in which she explained her feelings for him , and in fact suggested marriage , he explained in his reply that although he valued her friendship he was no longer capable of reciprocating such feelings for anyone .
2 N well I , I , I had , why I was so positive about it , I had an uncle who had it very badly and as a child I was very aware of his hands , they were quite inhuman looking , they were that shape , and you know everything he did he , he had to that and that 's remained in my mind that when I got it I though I wo n't have the hands like that so I r I w I go , I went to sleep , I still do it , every night , spread my hands , the last thing I think about , spread the hands .
3 She made up her mind that if she found herself frequently lying sleepless and agitated , then Memet should , as far as she was concerned , be cast into outer darkness .
4 And Robert , who was by now learning the basic rule that if anybody said anything interesting it was probably Muhammad , would ask if by any chance it just happened to be a saying of the Prophet , to which the headmaster would reply , his eyes shining , ‘ That 's it !
5 Er it 's been suggested by Mr from the H B F that as I understand his suggestion , that a lower provision of housing land in some way affects affordability or affects the er access to housing for the lower se lower ends of the lower income households .
6 A girl who I go with , she 's been teaching as well and her husband 's already in the hope that when she finishes they 're going to emigrate to America to .
7 There 's so much to enjoy at our clubs that once you arrive you may not want to leave .
8 I know from experience that if I approached their hives with scented lotion on my hair it would make them angry . ’
9 Here Tramp Hold that while I give it some wellie .
10 His full trunk , before any branch is reached is now massive , and such is his configuration that when I put my arms around him — which I do regularly — only one particular bough is hugged with ease .
11 Her involvement in many issues prompted Bill Clinton to tell people during the early Democratic primaries that if they elected him , they would get Hillary too .
12 Instead he told the judge that if he let his son go free , he would see to it that his got into no more trouble .
13 We ca n't turn round and say , sorry we ca n't afford to assess you , there is a requirement that if somebody presents themselves , we have to assess their needs .
14 In spite of this , sitting on his Empire chair beneath the window , head tilted to one side at an angle of acute concentration , he had the curious sensation that if he shifted his gaze from the little group mouthing in front of him his head might fall off .
15 Then , for the main course , she chose the steak-and-kidney pie , dripping gravy down her horrible blouse ( it 's the sort of blouse that when you see it in the shop you wonder how the shopkeeper intends to dispose of it because no one in their right mind would ever dream of swapping cash for it ) .
16 The Springbok side to face a powerful England B at Bristol have been told by coach John Williams that if they fulfil his expectations , they will face the Five Nations champions on Saturday .
17 It had become so much a matter of routine that when she answered he came close to putting the phone down before he realized that all he 'd heard was , ‘ Hello . ’
18 Instead take more note of his remark that though he thought us ugly to look at , we are not ugly to be with .
19 There 's so many things that after we recorded them we never played again .
20 you know er some of them they did a five piece jigsaw easter egg things that when they take them and an envelope to send them off to put it in , so when they take it home and fit it together it says happy easter .
21 And always she was haunted by the knowledge that if she failed her mother would lose her home .
22 She had the terrible feeling that if she told her too much , gave her an excuse to poke and pry , somehow , all the safe fabric of their lives would be rent apart .
23 She had the feeling that if she turned her back , something black and fearful would leap at her throat .
24 We were standing very close , and I got the feeling that if I opened my arms she 'd come inside .
25 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
26 I 'm afraid I ca n't subscribe to the theory that man should always be ‘ bloody , bold and resolute ’ ; but rather , I confess , that it 's very comforting to lean on you sometimes … more especially as I 've a funny instinct that if I follow your ways I ca n't go wrong , whereas my own existence is apt to be hardening , as you can see that it must be .
27 Ken 's method on such occasions was to raise his voice — on the theory that if nobody recognized his face , they would n't fail to relate to the sounds he was making , the variety of Kenneth Williams voices , alternately cockney , Oxford and the sing-song that went with most of his radio characters .
28 I read in the paper this morning that if you smoke you 're less likely to develop Alzheimer 's disease than if you do n't .
29 I told that woman that if she offered me
30 The lawyers commented that the Minister was giving detainees the message that if they wanted their demand for freedom to be taken seriously they had to go on hunger strike and become very ill .
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