Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] 've [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I hope that you will agree or confirm the action that we 've taken in expressing those sorts of views .
2 That 's , that 's true , eh , I mean the alloy in the other ones have to be quite crafty when you get up to twenty two carat for example and eh , very eh , eh , large chunk of gold in it , and it can indeed be very soft , but then you see that 's an eighteen carat ring that I 've had for , worn , all the time for twenty four years
3 On that subject , obviously next year , er bearing in mind that we 've agreed as a committee to go for twelve matches on Sundays
4 Erm but some of these childrens ' addresses that we 've had at St Paul 's they are very interesting and you get something out of them .
5 erm do you think that the erm planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was er was of value to you ?
6 do you think the er the planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was of er particular value to you ?
7 I mean both in the experience of , that I 've had and research that I 've looked at , there seems to be in terms of positive results , kind of strategy that are being used are strategies that , that both improve learning performance and improve emotional conditions for the child .
8 No , first time , well first time on Guess the Scores , just the odd quiz that I 've won before ; horse racing .
9 Right N is the number of the sample and K is the number of parameters that you 've estimated in your model .
10 It 's been fairly blustery the odd day but there 's frost and especially the snow that they 've had down further south it seems to be helping us up here I would say and it 's with the with the land work especially got the slurry and stuff of that kind .
11 Yeah you see what I want to do the arrears that I 've got with him
12 That carbon that I 've got in the centre now and the convention is to use a little star .
13 Well let's talk , let's talk a little bit about the personnel that you 've got on the City Council now and the kinds of services in general that you 're providing .
14 we also rely on the fact that the case that I 've drawn to your Lordships attention yesterday , is this was the case in the supplementary bundle where your Lordship will recall that er on the issue of export credit guarantee
15 right , now what you 've got to judge at the end of the day , now lets say for instance that you 've put in six lines six lines , right and you only wanted to use two of them all you 've got a number for is the rental charge is n't it ?
16 Er we set up on a regional basis er er Robert talked to you a couple of months ago about the initiatives that he 's taking from our and that again is a very much of a cross practice initiative er which is drawing on all the skills that we 've got within the with within the office penetrate the middle market sector and we are going to er specifically use er our grounds expertise and er computer audit expertise as a product which we saw would be attractive to these er these sort of companies .
17 That 's the plans that we 've had for our children 's services , but I 'll come on to back to that in a minute .
18 In most cases that I 've dealt with and I 've f I repeat I 've probably dealt with more than any other living person in court , er there has been a clear case of rape .
19 Whether this means high unemployment depends partly on how this work is distributed ; whether we keep the same working hours that we 've had in the past , for example , whether we work for as many years .
20 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
21 It it 's obviously er er route that I 've looked at but this certainly appeals to me a damn sight more than er that .
22 They want to place on record the generous support that they 've had from you and for the , yes in a moment , the seconder of the emergency motion for er moving her support .
23 well this case I 'm afraid does n't lend itself to short entirely impossible , er Mr maybe have to say erm will lead to the questions and then for example spent er a long time on questions this afternoon that I 've had for you Mr
24 Almost , but erm one could certainly arrive at a situation of the sort you 're imagining that we want to be sure that when we look at some very exotic phenomena in the past of the universe , which has no parallel on earth , erm or in our vicinity , how can we be sure that the laws of physics that we 've deduced on earth really apply ?
25 because the rules that we 've made for ourselves in maths , er we will , we 're about to break those .
26 If a B T employee did disclose information against all their training and against the rules that we 've got in place in B T , then we would obviously take that very seriously indeed and erm dismissal would no doubt follow if it was found that th the person had disclosed information .
27 Erm nitrates , sulphates and what else any other 'ates that you 've heard of ?
28 but then they said work , they wo n't let them , the money that they 've got on council houses , they wo n't let them spend it you see that ?
29 Then , for the following one we bought the first meals on wheels van so that with all the money that we 've collected for Harlow day we bought something out of the money .
30 ‘ I 've already got money that I 've saved from Grye 's winnings . ’
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