Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] can [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But such is the new-found and disturbing power of punk that nothing can stop the disc 's runaway success , ’ ranted the Sunday Mirror .
2 The axon transmits information by means of electrical impulses , and it is beeause these cause current to flow in the media around the cell that one can monitor the impulses , and hence the information flow , by means of a micro-electrode placed close to it .
3 You just think it looks good to be seen with books that nobody can pronounce the name of .
4 What Thucydides and his contemporaries were doing was ‘ challenging ’ social dogma , not simply ‘ readjusting ’ it , and it is in this characteristic of classical Greek scholarship that we can identify the crucial consequence of acquiring literacy .
5 The American base of RAF Mildenhall has not yet been told by the Pentagon that it can spend the necessary cash on the show , which last year attracted 406,000 people .
6 One problem here is that it is cold comfort to an individual citizen that he can use the political process to air his grievances , for example by writing to his MP or councillor or to the press or voting for another party next time round .
7 Many head teachers are embarking on marketing courses , in the hope that they can learn the skills required to ‘ sell ’ their schools to parents , or are persuading governing bodies to co-opt persons with this area of expertise .
8 Now the 30-year-old Londoner will go to Sheffield next spring with fresh hope that he can win the World Championship .
9 It is the task of Lakhdar Ibrahimi , the Arab League envoy , to struggle through a tangle of sub-issues in the hope that he can persuade the Lebanese to renegotiate France 's political legacy and the policies that began when General Henri Gouraud , who became the French high commissioner of Lebanon in 1920 , stepped ashore .
10 In short , having identified the needs and problems of the buyer , the presentation provides the opportunity for the salesperson to convince the buyer that he can supply the solution .
11 It is in the delirious inventiveness and ungrammticality of poetry that we can see the Remainder most fruitfully at work .
12 ‘ We are pioneers and we have to prove to the NHS that we can do the job , ’ says Middlesborough-born Mr Stringer , who now lives in Saltburn .
13 You seem to be sort of trying to encourage a guilt complex by this , this idea put forward by the conservatives , which is not the case , people should not feel guilty in trying to do the benefit that they can to benefit the people of Wiltshire .
14 ‘ I want to show companies that they can help the environment and save money .
15 It is in the work of Edward Said that we can find the problematic of historicist forms of knowledge linked most forcibly to the question of European imperialism .
16 Voluntary organisation they said , in their desire for recognition and funds , sometimes seem all too willing to conspire with the statutory sector on the basis that they can do the impossible , but miracles take a little longer .
17 And it is at this point that we can see the way in which secularisation feeds and nurtures the philosophies of secularism .
18 The market average is about thirty one pence but we feel that we can cos we 're proc producing such a high quality product that we can raise the price above that .
19 I am the driver and pusher but have had a hip replacement which restricts the distance that I can push the wheelchair .
20 But it is not just in the matter of white notation in 3/2 passages that we can discern the traditions of mensural notation .
21 Along with nitrates , phosphates actively encourage the growth of algaes ( particularly hair algae ) , and there is evidence that they can inhibit the growth of some marine invertebrates .
22 All four band members share the belief that nobody can match the measure of commitment and unity to be found within The Smiths .
23 Right , June , er four ways that you can write the policy ?
24 Bolinger gives the following set of examples , which do genuinely appear to show qualification of the sense alone , that is , of the property which identifies the entity , rather than of the entity itself : ( 1 ) total stranger lawful heir distant cousin mere kid To these , we might add the cases in ( 2 ) ; notice that the last example would be self-contradictory if the adjective were interpreted as an ordinary attributive : ( 2 ) Brent is a strong Republican the document was a complete blank ( If faced with a claim that we can explain the peculiarity of these adjectives by simply stating that they are adverbial impostors , we may respond that , even supposing that , deep down , there may be something adverbial about them , nonetheless speakers have chosen to use an adjective rather than an adverb , and this adjectival use needs to be described and if possible explained .
25 Mr Hughes added : ‘ It is through educationalists and the message they will relay to our young people that we can tell the truth of the strengths and benefits to be gained from a multi-racial , multi-cultural society . ’
26 The most comforting assurance that I can give the hon. Gentleman , which I am sure that he will welcome , is that the results of the study will be made public .
27 Priced at roughly $1,500 , the WS-IT is 80386-based AT clone sans screen and keyboard , the idea being that it can use the existing dumb terminal keyboard and VGA screen .
28 The word itself also nicely illustrates Derrida 's point that writing does not copy speech , for it is only in the written form that one can see the difference between the word ‘ différance ’ and the usual French ‘ différence ’ .
29 The conversations should be designed so that the student can use them outside the classroom , and use them is such a way that he/she can control the direction go the conversation .
30 I mentioned erm benefits of er of exempt income and I showed er a feature with this and I apologize that the fact that 's it 's TESSA but I do this with TESSA because it 's the one way that you can illustrate the point I want to make .
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