Example sentences of "[noun] i was [adj] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 However , in Stan and Ollie 's case I was reluctant to suggest that Stan be castrated immediately because Ollie was still maturing .
2 That left Michael McMahon , and when I wrote to his solicitors I was astonished to hear that he too had written a 100,000-word manuscript .
3 When I looked at my watch I was amazed to see that it was well after six .
4 AS A taxpayer I was appalled to read that Fergie hosted a £15,000 bash at Buckingham Palace .
5 When I checked up on his progress I was startled to find that he had not only planted up the four pots but his red wellington boots as well , liberally watering both them and himself and then garnishing with sprigs of a semi-dormant fuchsia as a finishing touch .
6 After a quick glance I was delighted to see that my arm was still there , so went off to sleep again , feeling very cheerful about the whole thing .
7 It is sad that in Britain we have lost most of our old heritage , but when I went to Ireland I was pleased to find that Yeats and others before him had rescued many of the stories and legends that had been in danger of being lost .
8 Having taken the plunge and opened the package I was delighted to find that the software is n't copy protected — no problems running it on my hard disk systems here , or so I thought .
9 Whilst remembering the old days I was surprised to hear that ran in the family as his wife 's father had worked for the Company at the turn of the century .
10 When I first met my Working Group I was astonished to discover that they were far more progressive in outlook than the members of the Kingman Committee .
11 Blunt object I was interested to note that your November cover star Marky Mark is apparently something of a born-again cockney , a fact betrayed perhaps by the self-descriptive rhyming slang on the front of his baseball cap …
12 ‘ And only this morning I was able to announce that seasonally adjusted unemployment has fallen . ’
13 In that debate I was able to say that in Croydon in 1991 there were more than 40,000 enrolments for higher education , representing 20,000 to 30,000 students .
14 However at a recent annual Commemoration I was glad to discover that the offerings of the two services are still sent to the Melanesian Mission .
15 After my fourth or fifth lesson I was able to see that it was I who was causing myself the discomfort .
16 The White Lion in Bala agreed to accommodate us , and over dinner I was glad to realize that Nigel 's fantasies were equalling mine , though of a different nature .
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