Example sentences of "[noun] he have [vb pp] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 With raised eyebrows and the adoption of that cool , emotionless glance he had bestowed on her before , Marc allowed himself a brief , telling scrutiny of her face , then , apparently satisfied with what he read in it , pushed open the door and led the way inside .
2 A monument he has erected to his wife ( née Brobity ) is more of an encomium upon his own virtues than upon hers ; his father .
3 He shrugged , the jerky movement betraying for a moment the emotion he had banished from his voice .
4 In it he told me that the blood he had spilt over my traitor 's proposal — his own blood — was nothing to the blood of the traitors that he would shed if the Aten fell , and it was his lot to take vengeance . ’
5 And , and then finally the council said , he actually had an Austin Princess , but you know Paul and his cars that that nineteen , I do n't know what it is the car he 's got in his garage now , but he buys old cars and completely rebuilds them , it looks like a new car now and he ha he had an Austin Princess which , which actually it was a P reg and er they told him he could n't run the service unless he bought a much newer car .
6 She walked round the room , looking at the fragments he 'd preserved from their life together .
7 Picasso worked from a photograph he had taken of his friend and dealer who recorded that Picasso nevertheless demanded some twenty sittings .
8 He thought it unlikely she would be influenced by the disappointment he had dealt to her plan for a play about the Wall .
9 They had been away from home for eight weeks , and one evening the captain showed us the presents he had bought for his wife .
10 He had felt distress and pity for the sufferings he had seen about him , but they had not struck home to his heart as seeing McAllister brought so low had done .
11 And on the last day he led the girl he loved to a shack he had built behind their tiny house and which he called his studio .
12 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
13 The last words he had spoken to me on the subject of kitchen units had been really quite abusive .
14 ‘ I just bet you have ! ’ she ground out , echoing the words he had used about her relationship with Tim Dunton earlier this morning .
15 At the end of the negotiations , as he prepared to run off to salvage what he could from the wreckage of the crashed aircraft in Nicaragua , North told the Iranians he had failed in his mission ‘ to start the process of healing between our countries ’ ; the two nations , Iran and America , were about to pass each other like ships in the night .
16 He was manifestly rattled about the dousing he had received at her hands .
17 In 1975 , he realized an ambition he had nursed since his arrival : to become the first black heavyweight champion of Great Britain .
18 ‘ I fully expected to see a hangar out there and there was n't one ’ , lamented Kermit as we looked through the many pictures he had brought with him to the Reno Air Races .
19 Apart from a few ornaments and pictures he had paid for everything .
20 Robert , at a loss , went on a drinking spree in which he spent most of the savings he had accumulated during his first few months in the new country .
21 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
22 Knew the effect he had had on her .
23 If he realised the effect he had had on her — was still having on her …
24 ‘ Perhaps , ’ he agreed before lapsing into silence , but not before she 'd seen his face reflect the pleasure he 'd experienced at her instant recognition of what was clearly one of his favourite recordings .
25 Nan 's no fool , and our precise Mr Peeble , who I am sure is quite used to pregnancies , will have detected something before now if not from the narration he has heard above his head over the past days .
26 Mr Heseltine is slowly reaping the reward of the patience , persistence and self-restraint he has demonstrated since his stormy resignation in 1986 .
27 It is a picture indelibly imprinted , Ward 's voice painting it in quiet words , neither excited nor repelled by the horror of it , but simply repeating information he had obtained from one of the books he had borrowed from his Glasgow library as soon as he knew the route he would be taking to Punta Arenas and the Antarctic .
28 In his will he left sizeable sums for schools he had built in his home parishes , as well as for Christ 's Hospital , of which he had been a donation governor in 1833 .
29 Thus in a case in 1969 , where the 10-year-old child born in England of Spanish parents had been very unhappy during the seventeen months he had spent with them in Spain , and had then lived happily for several years with foster parents and their six children in England , the court refused to make an order that care and control should be granted to the parents , one of whom was in poor health .
30 Yet for more than three months he has had in his hands the report by the Select Committee on Members ' Interests which recommends changes in the registration of commercial lobbying interests .
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