Example sentences of "[noun] he [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If Lotta had n't made her entry on cue and Rune had decided to prolong the specious friendship he had conjured up until she had duly appeared on the scene …
2 Kate was the first member of the Force he had met socially because he wanted to .
3 Krenek was born in Vienna in 1900 , into the world of Mahler and Schoenberg , but by the time he died last December he had spent more than half of his life in the USA .
4 In his book Poetic Diction he had pointed out that in earlier times , those who first used language did not necessarily distinguish between ‘ metaphorical ’ and ‘ literal ’ uses of words .
5 The night after the accident he had come round but did n't recognise anyone .
6 Marius fights with two blades , the Runefang in one hand and a long-bladed dagger in the other , a mode of warfare he has mastered better than anyone .
7 ‘ The offensive is the fire which advances ; the defensive the fire which stops , ’ said Pétain ; ‘ Cannon conquers , infantry occupies ’ ( a conclusion he had reached well before Falkenhayn composed his Verclun Memorandum ) .
8 The rent on this new place , like the rent on all the places he 'd lived in since he arrived in the city , was paid for by the Social Security .
9 During the past twenty years he has spent more and more time in Greece — and the paintings in the current exhibition of this veteran Abstract Expressionist at the ACA Galleries are the result of extended periods spent in Greece during the past two years ( 4 to 27 March ) .
10 Davout told Thiercelin he had done better than expected , which was generous praise from him , especially as the marshal 's own enquiries had been unproductive .
11 He had shed the formal suit he 'd worn previously and was dressed today in black trousers and leather jacket over a black silk shirt , sombre colours that only served to emphasise the olive cast of his skin , the night-darkness of his hair and eyes .
12 His mind was fixed elsewhere , struggling to piece together the fragments of an event he had participated in but not understood .
13 With his wife he had known precisely where he was .
14 He chanced a few casts and by the end of the season he had taken more than a dozen good trout .
15 Endill led the way through the corridors , talking about some of the rooms he had visited nearby and in other parts of the school .
16 He fastened his seat belt without speaking and the Rover slid gently into Broadway , the road he had crossed less than a fortnight earlier on his way to see Sir Paul Berowne .
17 I half got up , then I looked at the hole he 'd gone down and at the paper in my hand .
18 When Martha had gone as well , Tim picked up the whisky he had poured earlier and stood for a long time in the hallway .
19 The aggrieved party may want to repudiate ( cancel ) the contract and recover any money he has paid out as well as any other expenses .
20 With cool detachment he had explained clearly and in terms that were easy for her to grasp how the various items of equipment worked , only lapsing into irritation or sarcasm when he thought she was not making enough effort .
21 Roman ran a hand through his hair , a thing he had done more than once this morning if its state was anything to go by .
22 The only thing he 's picked up since we 've had him , is me name .
23 Then he was climbing back up the bank he had slithered down and I watched as he walked in a leisurely fashion across the slope of the mountain to the gully .
24 He looked — which Tobie in particular did n't care for — uncommonly like the way he had looked more than two years before at a place called Skylolimne ; and later at another place called Kerasous .
25 Over the past year he had had more than a dozen screenplays rejected by The Little Magazine .
26 Molly 's sleep had been deep and dreamless but she woke up early , saw Hugh unconscious beside her and replaced the sheet he had kicked away as she might cover one of the children .
27 Morse thought it must be the splendid grandfather clock he 'd seen somewhere that he heard chiming the three-quarters ( 10.45 a.m. ) as he and Lewis sat beside each other in a deep settee in the Lancaster Room .
28 Then he walked over to the assemblage of components he had constructed earlier and tore it to pieces systematically .
29 As Laurence Barrett puts it , ‘ by the time he got to the White House he had spent more than fifty years using every communications medium save Morse code and smoke signals .
30 He said it was the first time he 'd done so but he was damned if he was going to be wheeled into a restaurant like a blasted mental patient out with his nurse . ’
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