Example sentences of "[noun] with the [adj] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Investors do not usually grasp the minutiae of the trading experiences of the businesses in which they invest , but it is unsettling when a company such as Pentos , which has been proclaiming its readiness to do battle with the big boys over the Net Book Agreement , has a financial setback .
2 The new strategy linked environmental concerns with the current controversy over the health service by claiming that 14 million people in the UK suffered ill effects from air pollution last year .
3 This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature .
4 THE United States yesterday cancelled talks set for Monday with the European Community over a public procurement dispute and said sanctions were now hard to avoid .
5 Telecom Eireann is seeking more than £200m from European Community structural funds to re-build its telecommunications network : it is also ensconced in discussions with the Irish government over tariff re-balancing ; the state phone company 's financial difficulties have been exacerbated by the 10% currency devaluation which has added £50m to its debts of some £1,000m ; and is likely to halve and worse its profits this year to some £40m .
6 In 1938 there seem to have been tentative discussions with the Colonial Office over a sell-out to the British government .
7 Nevertheless the ILP representatives on the Unity Campaign Committee were constantly in friction with the Communist Party over the tendency to encourage non-Socialists to join the Campaign .
8 The person with the greatest influence over these is the priest or presiding minister .
9 Perhaps best known for his feud with the Al-Fayed brothers over Harrods and the House of Fraser , Tiny Rowland built up his mining and trading company , Lonrho , in the '50s and '60s .
10 Despite these demotions and exclusions there was little trouble with the Conservative Party over the actions which its leaders had taken , inevitably without much consultation .
11 Belfast city council remains in Unionist control with the 27–24 majority over the SDLP , Alliance and Sinn Fein members .
12 Population pressure , along with vagaries of climate and terrain , and geographical location , have strongly influenced Japan 's relations with the outside world over the last 150 years and have played a crucial part in shaping Japan 's evolution for much longer .
13 I 've had him put in a strait-jacket and one of those leather masks with the little bars over the mouth hole .
14 Price and Hall then worked their double act for Tynemouth again and opened their account with the latter chipping over onrushing goalkeeper Lee .
15 In return , Wilson had agreed to strengthen consultations with the Chinese government over the project .
16 The combined responsibility , and the very large increases that occurred in both civil and criminal work , co-inciding with the Treasury 's insistence that expenditure from public funds be kept in bounds , led to acrimonious and repeated clashes with the legal profession over fees and rates of remuneration .
17 The FPR called for the overthrow of the regime and the return of all Rwandan refugees ( mostly Tutsi who had been forced to flee to neighbouring countries after ethnic clashes with the dominant Hutu over the previous 30 years ) .
18 The increase in male cancer rates in South-West Cumbria are in line with the national trends over the same period .
19 Fix the end cap with the round pin over the cut end .
20 Involvement with the same client over a long period of time , the paper says , could result in a lack of objectivity and ‘ detraction from the regular and robust consideration ’ of issues associated with the audit .
21 The PDVSA had also reached agreements to explore new oilfields in Honduras and in Guatemala , and was in discussion with the Peruvian government over involvement in attempting to reverse the decline of Peru 's oil industry .
22 The Prime Minister , Poul Schlüter , had called the election on Nov. 22 [ see p. 37868 ] after his minority coalition had failed to reach agreement with the Social Democrats over the 1991 budget and other economic measures .
23 In spite of his radical socialist image and his furious battles with the medical profession over implementation , Bevan 's vision of the health service was essentially paternalist .
24 The European Commission is in dispute with the German Government over the level of their production subsidies , but I assure my hon. Friend that imports from Germany are minimal and that the real competition for the British coal mining industry comes from other fuels .
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