Example sentences of "[noun] in his [noun sg] 's house " in BNC.

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1 Well Russell bought it when he was at home in his mother 's house .
2 Edward 's son Robert , who has loaned this picture , remembers that drinking , smoking and gambling in his father 's house were all taboo .
3 But recent reality had also taken its toll : his father 's lamented death , his guitar teacher 's suicide , and that of a cousin ; the presence of his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein , now reduced unhappily to senility in his mother 's house ( at which he would surprise Leonard by encountering him suddenly , in odd moments of clarity , saying , ‘ Oh , yes , you 're the writer , are n't you ? ’ ) created other pressures .
4 Alexei had been surprised that the subject of his bachelor status had not been pursued with greater vigour in his step-mother 's house .
5 He leans back against the mantelpiece with his coffee , mastering the situation , a man of the world entertaining his oldest friend in his mistress 's house .
6 Having left Sydney in April , he finally hit London in September , and moved into a flat in his sister 's house in Clarendon Road off Holland Park .
7 He became a suspect for the double rape because he was the goalkeeper for a local amateur soccer team and police were able to match his footprints to those found on a floor in his victim 's house .
8 The medals , expected to make £2,000 at Sotheby 's next month , were never on show in his father 's house , he said .
9 He was now but a guest in his son 's house , but I think my father lost none of his deference to him when he resigned the farm .
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