Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun pl] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Part of this ex post forecasting could distinguish the various phases of post-1954 business cycles with respect to their particular characteristics in terms of changes in the sectoral/industrial composition of the UK economy and with respect to the specific features of the different industries ' behaviour in terms of stock movements , capacity utilisation , scrapping of old equipment , new investments , etc .
2 The comparative detachment of non-executives is an advantage , given their lesser personal investment in predictions of benefits from particular courses of action .
3 Although most teachers would recognize the desirability of appraising their classroom practice in terms of questions like those listed above , the difficulty of applying such a process to one 's own discourse should not be underestimated .
4 We are continuing to experience a significant er pressure from schools in terms of requests for form assessment and statementing of children with special educational needs .
5 Might it not be possible to interpret all references to ontological existents along Platonist lines in terms of references to species of one kind or another , and the characteristics of species ; thereby providing a proof that the basic ontological existents are , in fact , species , and that the " problem of individuality " , in the final analysis , reduces to the problem of species ( or quite generally : qualitative ) identity ?
6 The finding of 5-ASA metabolites identical to those formed by the reaction of 5-ASA with the hydroxyl radical in extracts of faeces from patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with sulphasalazine , but not in those with rheumatoid arthritis also receiving the drug , suggests that ROM scavenging is a clinically important mechanism of action in inflammatory bowel disease .
7 In July , he authorized the conversion of the carrier Bulwark into a Commando Ship , and the inclusion in estimates of funds for the subsequent conversion of Albion as well .
8 These figures suggest that there was also some degree of undervaluation of exports and imports in terms of dinars in previous years , although the amount may well have varied with the rate of depreciation of the dinar .
9 One alternative explanation was put forward in terms of attention focusing which might explain both effects in terms of feelings of risk .
10 The first stage of visual computation , according to Marr , results in descriptions of the scene in terms of features like shading-edge , extended-edge , line , and blob ( which vary as to fuzziness , contrast , lightness , position , orientation , size , and termination points ) .
11 Women had all the constraints of family life to cope with ; children at school , shopping and housekeeping , but no sympathy was expressed by male members of the group as to the comparative hardness of the women 's lives in terms of demands on them , such as few hours of sleep .
12 New initiatives for disarmament and for sharing security burdens will enable further reductions in levels of armaments to be made without endangering security .
13 Popular , and indeed even professional psychology , has come freely to deploy the concept of aggression in accounts of interactions between human beings .
14 In their natural state , tropical forests , especially tropical rainforests , are among the most productive of the earth 's ecosystems producing two or three times as much organic matter per unit area ( e.g. ) than temperate or boreal forests ( typically ) and as numerous writers have pointed out they are also the most diverse ecosystems in terms of numbers of plant and animal species ( P W Richards 1986 , Walker 1986 ) .
15 The social class difference in statements of self-concept parallels the social class difference in statements of attitudes to housework ; there is a close association between the two variables , as shown in Table 7.5 .
16 There are a number of reasons why we need to make sure that we are in at the starting post in terms of links with Central and Eastern Europe .
17 Yet a key theme in discussions of relationships between ministers and their departments has been the extent to which politicians enter with apparent policy commitments but become socialized into roles determined by the permanent administrator and particularly by the need for ‘ policy maintenance ’ within their department .
18 With a slight smile the chairman announced : ‘ this clock shows the cost of this present meeting in terms of dollars per minute .
19 Going on from these analyses , we can next look at the same population in terms of combinations of age and service .
20 It is between these two sectors that some of the sharpest demographic differentials are found , and I will argue that the unique nature of the British housing market tends to perpetuate and reinforce these differentials in terms of patterns of early marriage , high fertility and marital breakdown .
21 This model ‘ explains ’ climatic changes on a timescale of tens of thousands of years in terms of changes in the Earth 's orbit and inclination to the Sun .
22 I 'm always a little bit worried about them because it seems to me that they almost define the syllabus in terms of what you can ask four reasonable questions in terms of alternatives about .
23 The dead were separated from the living not only by the fact of death , but also by being laid to rest in groups of graves at some distance from the towns and villages , on the edge of the desert .
24 Variations in numbers of additions from one cylinder to another are to be expected .
25 Despite Government counter-claims that this increase is due to 1986 changes in definitions of accidents from minor to major and fatal categories , all the increases can not be accounted for by the redefinition .
26 This form of profit decomposition contrasts with normal cost-accounting decomposition , which explains profit changes in terms of changes in revenue and costs )
27 Right now you may , erm , do n't know anything in particular , but I know that the European Community and the United , United States are always trying to out , erm , beat each other in terms of subsidies on food products , so put , put that in .
28 Together , the Grant Scheme and the more stringent contract conditions should result in a marked improvement to buses in Lothian in terms of standards of passenger accessibility and safety .
29 Does he not agree that such a programme could , amongst other things , establish an effective linkage between western support for economic development and the response from the newly independent states in terms of schedules for comprehensive , verifiable , and quicker disarmament ?
30 The services on offer from the Community Relations Branch include the ‘ blue lamp disco ’ , a title evocative of George Dixon and consensus policing ; the organization of disco-dancing competitions and football tournaments with children from other police divisions in Belfast ; nature rambles ; access to outward-bound centres , some in Great Britain , the cost of attendance being borne by the RUC ; swimming lessons , including swimming for visually handicapped children ; and the provision in schools of classes on first aid , safety , and law , and of other general campaigns aimed at children , like the ‘ Say No To Strangers ’ campaign .
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