Example sentences of "[noun] in [pron] [pers pn] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Gibson plays a fearless test pilot in 1939 who , following a personal tragedy , volunteers for a top-secret experiment in which he is accidentally put into frozen slumber for more than 50 years .
2 ‘ A superordinate grouping in which it is explicitly stated that all members share a single attribute was , however , much more likely when linguistic predicates were formed as complete sentences with copula [ ‘ they are round ’ ] than as incomplete sentences without .
3 Many young people in Gateshead have grown up in families in which it is very rare for someone to have a full-time , decent and well-paid job .
4 there appears , however , to be nothing to prevent any mental patient registering in a constituency in which he is actually resident .
5 The authors of this perfervid , crowded adventure use the first person device to plot the course of Kemp 's feelings concurrently with the bold actions in which he is conventionally heroic .
6 He knows too that there are activities in which he is most intelligent when he is most spontaneous , in which to think may even be dangerous ; the ski jumper or the tightrope walker can not afford to hesitate and reflect .
7 Martin had happily seen U21 rugby fully established as third in line in the English rugby hierarchy , and he thoroughly deserved the presentation made to him during the Trent College week by the panel to mark the esteem in which he is universally held .
8 Other far-reaching changes in the modern world have also made their mark on theology , notably the immense advances in science and technology , and the accelerating contact and interaction between different races and cultures in what it is now normal to call ‘ the global village ’ , The explosion of science and the application of its discoveries have altered the world even of our grandfathers beyond recognition .
9 First , the aim in which it is designed and manufactured ; second , the retail chain that distributes it ; and third , the households in which it is finally used .
10 Rather than simply sampling at random , it is helpful to make some preliminary enquiries among the child 's parents or teachers regarding the kinds of situations in which she is most likely to talk .
11 Only after ‘ tedious battering the top thereof with pick-axes ’ did they eventually undermine two of its six sides bringing them down and leaving the tower in the state in which it is today .
12 Indeed there is a sense in which it is positively desirable to act out of self-interest in offering support to a relative , since if the donor also benefits , there is less chance that one party will become over-dependent upon the other .
13 Likewise , if anthropologists used the word religion in the sense in which it is ordinarily used by ordinary speakers of English , where it is tied in with such compartmentalized matters as church membership and a professional priesthood , then it would have no application at all to most of the societies which anthropologists usually study .
14 160 , the visitors observed that Lord Denning was not using the word ‘ delegate ’ in the narrow sense in which it is sometimes used today any more than Lord Mansfield had when he used the same word in a similar context in Rex v. Benchers of Gray 's Inn , 1 Doug .
15 Syntax ( in the broad sense in which it is commonly used today ) is the level of lexico-grammatical form which mediates between the levels of sound and meaning .
16 Marx is continually facing a problem which is very familiar to anthropologists : how to express a different system with a vocabulary which is inevitably moulded to the institutions of the society in which it is normally used .
17 He also made the cut in the Deposit Guaranty Classic , which is a ‘ grabbing ’ tournament played opposite The Masters in which it is nigh impossible to miss the cut .
18 On the other hand opposition , in a Parliament organized strictly on party lines , implies a situation in which it is very hard to secure majority support for your own ideas .
19 ‘ keep to a particular line ’ means e.g. to continue in the line in which he is already travelling ;
20 In some senses you know when it happens to a male student , he is not he does n't have confirmed for him the sense that he is only a sexual object and that this is yet more of the way in which he is always perceived .
21 Taxonomy should be a common descriptive backbone to research in plant sciences , but the way in which it is conventionally presented makes such use difficult for the non-taxonomist .
22 Its continuing fascination for the public owes much to the way in which it is inextricably linked with a real-life ‘ romance ’ : in the summer of 1857 , if not before , Wallis and Meredith 's wife , Mary Ellen , daughter of Thomas Love Peacock [ q.v. ] , became lovers .
23 Linguistically , thereby , the merchant weaves a number of strands into the net in which he is eventually caught , innocent and unknowing to the last .
24 The geographer on the other hand , is primarily interested in how the landscape works , and in man 's interactions with it , and thus recognizes that water is but one of the terrestrial phenomena in the total complex interacting ecosystem in which he is really interested .
25 My hon. Friend has made it clear that no willing volunteer will be turned away and that anybody who wants to continue to serve with the TA will be able to do so , maybe not with the unit in which he is now serving , but with another unit .
26 With inflation running at 600% , it remains a market in which it is all too easy to get lost .
27 In much of his immediate situation , the producer remains an artisan , but now in a more complex and more organized market in which he is practically dependent on intermediaries .
28 As for Sir Robert , who is , I believe , a man with a strong marketing background , might I suggest that he emerges from the confines of his embattled empire and experiences at first hand the market in which he is now operating incognito during the evening rush-hour .
29 An example of this may be taken from a context in which it is rather familiar : atmospheric motions on the scale that governs the principal features of the weather .
30 ‘ Though he is famous for the extension of his territories and conquests in which he is constantly engaged , he has also started many public works for the beauty and convenience of the realm ; some of these he has completed , and a great part of his wealth is set aside for pious honouring of his ancestors .
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