Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] have always [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But no single country at present has the money to build a really major new telescope to follow the Space Telescope — and the most important advances in astronomy have always come with the use of a major new instrument , from Galileo 's telescope of 1609 to the Einstein Observatory in 1978 .
2 Letterman confided to me after one of our tennis games that my pieces in Manhattan had always struck him as somewhat trivial — artifices — until he read my piece ‘ Drancy , Ante-chamber of Death ’ .
3 Because the women in my family and most families in Scotland had always gone out to work .
4 The Centre of African Studies in Edinburgh has always maintained a focus on the whole of Africa , and has not concentrated on a particular region — such as West or Southern .
5 The popularity of the Polonaise in D has always outshone that of its A major companion , and Ricci includes both , reminding us of the splendid verve and zest of these overtly nationalistic works .
6 AIR in Delhi has always attracted radio people from all over the world .
7 But the woman who was born the youngest of seven children in Tiger Bay in Cardiff has always lived life to the full .
8 Feminists in psychology have always had more respect for biology than have feminists in other disciplines .
9 And she confirmed the inevitable , the news that executives back at Grundy TV in Melbourne had always feared they would hear , she would never again play Charlene in Neighbours .
10 It 's amazing how soldiers in skirts have always had a hard reputation in n it ?
11 Municipal socialism in Britain had always had a puritanical element to it , and debates about sexual choice were no part of this tradition .
12 Moreover , to maintain a tribe in being has always required acts of will , occasionally of violence , and to think of tribes as in some sense natural phenomena , inert until a civilizing , modernizing process is forced upon them , is to succumb to ideology .
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