Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] [adv] [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With the increase of industry and commerce in the nineteenth century , and especially with the development of joint stock companies with limited liability , investment in money rather than in land became the most convenient and popular form .
2 Analysis of birth weight in kilograms rather than by centiles did not affect these correlations , the absolute value for the whole cohort correlating with the standardised β cell function ( r s =0.28 ( p=0.007 ) .
3 But where such mutuality is non-existent ; where through some personal need ( based in earlier life and relationships ) the woman finds her greatest satisfactions in motherhood rather than in marriage ; where male inadequacy sees neglect in anything but total attention ; or where circumstances exist in which addition to the family unduly diminishes the expression of sexual love between two partners : personal and sexual dissonance is likely to arise , which will lead to further marital rifts , which will themselves militate against sexual happiness … and so on in a vicious spiral .
4 There are obvious dangers in having changed data in memory rather than on disk , mostly associated with the big red switch .
5 the research topics lend themselves to publication in Nature rather than to other journals ;
6 the research topics lend themselves to publication in Nature rather than to other journals ;
7 If the fears are well-grounded , it would mean not just that two-fifths of BBC Scotland staff became responsible to a controller in London rather than to the BBC Scotland controller , John McCormick .
8 I think that many of us would prefer to see falling rolls as a chance to reduce class size , thus giving pupils a better chance of carrying out practical work in pairs rather than in groups of three or even four .
9 In the first instance Bukharin noted that the process of expanded negative reproduction was at work in agriculture just as in industry , but its material effects were mitigated by the very primitiveness of agriculture as compared to industry .
10 It is worth noting here that first , it is through an emphasis on language that the only direct links are made with the work of the Committee , and second , reviews of works on language are the only ones which attend to textbooks in schools rather than in universities .
11 Because the nutritional conditions for growth are probably more difficult in liquid than in solid media and particularly the necessary microaerophil environment is more difficult to attain in liquid medium , the presence of polyphosphate structures in liquid rather than in solid medium seems to confirm their supposed role in energetic metabolism of the micro-organisms .
12 One other peculiarity she shared with the four Atlantic states : she had great extra-European interests , though they lay across land frontiers in Asia rather than across the sea .
13 In ( 135 ) , although make would have been possible , the writer has chosen cause , and has thus felt it to be more appropriate to represent the subject of the verb ( " raising the temperature of a compound " ) as an external condition which sets off a reaction of decomposition in compounds rather than as an agent which exerts its causative action at the same time as the reaction occurs .
14 Yet moderate Republicanism. differing from Democratic policies in emphasis rather than in real substance , appeared to strike exactly the right note with the electorate .
15 We need to build further on the ideas we have covered so far , to look at longer stretches of discourse , to form a picture of discourses in totalities rather than in extracts .
16 The minister will be aware that in the last year of the Labour government , there was an hundred and fifty thousand apprenticeships in manufacturing alone whilst in manufacturing in nineteen ninety one there was only fifty one thousand apprenticeships .
17 THE United Nations suspended humanitarian aid operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina yesterday because of obstruction and interference by all three civil war factions .
18 At most only four Zuwaya employed more than ten people on a regular basis , and most wealthy Suwaya entrepreneurs , say seventy men altogether , had placed their money in partnerships rather than in wage-paying firms ; employees were generally foreigners excluded from the right to take over factories and workshops .
19 The campaigns were designed to run as television or cinema commercials and as large street hoardings — media that is seen by people in groups rather than in isolation as would be the case of newspapers .
20 JIMMY WHITE was forced to pull out of the £25,000 Benson and Hedges snooker tournament in Glasgow yesterday because of an illness in his family .
21 Thus it has simple computational procedures , or ‘ perceptual primitives ’ , which address the visual array in parallel so as to identity area , centre , point of contact , symmetry , and so on .
22 On the cross Christ himself came to be portrayed as a man in agony rather than as a God in majesty .
23 In the front of the borders where I can reach , I grow my vegetables , annuals and low-growing perennials in patches rather than in rows .
24 Puzzled as to why the DEA and CIA would choose to do this through a front operation in Nicosia rather than through official channels , Coleman duly reported all this activity to Control , but the response was so muted he could only conclude that the DIA knew about it already .
25 On my last day there I was literally pushed out of a small news agent 's shop by a pair of youths for requesting a box of matches in English rather than in French ; I even tried my one and only French joke on them and said ‘ Quel fromage ! ’ but it got me nowhere — but out !
26 For instance , the regress generated by the remark that there is a point between every pair of points may be virtuous , even when we take it to concern points in time rather than in space .
27 It was back to the ‘ miserable refuge ’ of the Lords Act of 1759 with its ‘ great error ’ in giving all to one creditor , which induced many prisoners to stay and waste their property in prisons rather than by complying with the Act , obtain their discharge and be sent back to prison by other creditors .
28 They argue that the HMIP should insist on actual cuts in discharges rather than on reducing maximum permissible levels .
29 Rupert Stonebird would have sighed inwardly , for he was used to this particular joke , but explained politely — if anyone was still listening — that he was actually a lecturer in social anthropology , which was concerned with the behaviour of men in society rather than with the size and shape of their skulls .
30 Moreover it was widely and probably correctly felt that good diplomats were formed by experience rather than by study , by mixing in good society and watching negotiations in progress rather than by poring over documents in archives .
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