Example sentences of "[noun] and they [was/were] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They three boys — and Sara — was all brought up at Trebyan and they was all at the village school .
2 It was a Sunday afternoon and they were out for a stroll in the park .
3 Some feared that the concession would weaken the financial discipline on the Boards , though in fact the conditions imposed by the Central Authority raised the South Western Board 's financial targets and they were soon in healthy surplus .
4 , we went in the August and they were back by September , so he could start back well school and I 'd been in , in the summer holidays and they said and I felt poor little bastard , got to start a new school , he ai n't gon na know anybody
5 By far the greatest proportion of those joining the new congregations were Presbyterians and they were mostly from rural areas .
6 . It was a couple of days notice and they were n't to pleased about it .
7 It was late on a Sunday morning and they were still in bed , the radio on but turned down low .
8 With one or two exceptions deaf drivers were unable to obtain insurance and they were therefore in danger of becoming barred from driving .
9 A referee 's mistake lost them the match against Auckland and they were in with a chance for a long time in the Test — there was only one — before being beaten 11–3 .
10 She was incurably sentimental about wildlife and they were seldom without some maimed , deserted or starving creatures .
11 Er they supported me and canvassed for me when I was putting up , but I ca n't see them going , whereas I can remember the erm the when I was a child going to the , we used to have a fete and it was a politically , I ca n't remember exactly what it would be called , but I know mother and the Guild were always there making the tea and got a stall and they were always in the forefront and they 'd always got their rosettes on .
12 and I went in shop I said a sack of dog food I said German Shepherd and got it home and I thought this looks different , it were ginormous chunk things in it and he were going ptew , ptew and they were all over garden
13 There was no trace of his usual cheekiness , either because he was seriously worried about his son or simply because he had no need to defend himself up here where he was in his element and they were out of theirs .
14 Take them I mean along the main road , he had taken the the the trees at the back of them and they had no shelter and they were down in the main road .
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